Wondering if it’s just me.
Devices not responding to ActionTiles commands.
Mobile app (iOS) not loading anything (“Something’s wrong”).
Automations not running.
IDE (na02) not responding (“HTTP 500”).
Green light on my hub.
Wondering if it’s just me.
Devices not responding to ActionTiles commands.
Mobile app (iOS) not loading anything (“Something’s wrong”).
Automations not running.
IDE (na02) not responding (“HTTP 500”).
Green light on my hub.
Same here… Currently down…
I’ve got the same experience.
Same here as well. Rebooting the hub does not help. Must be a service outage.
Working fine here.
My echo integration stopped working.
Seems to working again.
I was going to report that my IDE is noticeably faster.
Everything working good here in the Great State of Alabama
Still intermittently down. Devices seem to be working, slowly, but the app UI isn’t loading.
Same. Roll Tide.
You in Bama?
Man…More ST issues.
Completely down here. Can’t believe I have to touch certain light switches again.
App won’t load here in NJ
Yeah. I also need 10 characters in this post so that’s what this sentence was for.
Nothing working here in AZ.
Alexa responding “smartthings isn’t responding”
Things are working in PA
Dang… I thought I was the only one… lol