Cool, so thats 4 people that have the issue, I know it seems it may not be “global” but I support 17,000 servers for my day job, and i can already see this is a global Andorid issue.
I edited the photobusrt code really quick. Im not home to test. Here it is. This should not require a push notifiaction. Both should be optional in this code. Give it a try and see if i broke something or not haha.
* Photo Burst When...
* Author: SmartThings
* Date: 2013-09-30
name: "Photo Burst When...",
namespace: "smartthings",
author: "SmartThings",
description: "Take a burst of photos and send a push notification when...",
category: "SmartThings Labs",
iconUrl: "",
iconX2Url: ""
preferences {
section("Choose one or more, when..."){
input "motion", "capability.motionSensor", title: "Motion Here", required: false, multiple: true
input "contact", "capability.contactSensor", title: "Contact Opens", required: false, multiple: true
input "acceleration", "capability.accelerationSensor", title: "Acceleration Detected", required: false, multiple: true
input "mySwitch", "capability.switch", title: "Switch Turned On", required: false, multiple: true
input "arrivalPresence", "capability.presenceSensor", title: "Arrival Of", required: false, multiple: true
input "departurePresence", "capability.presenceSensor", title: "Departure Of", required: false, multiple: true
section("Take a burst of pictures") {
input "camera", "capability.imageCapture"
input "burst", "number", title: "How many? (default 5)", defaultValue:5
section("Then send this message in a push notification or text message"){
input "messageText", "text", title: "Message Text"
section( "Push notification?" ) {
input "sendPushMessage", "enum", title: "Send a push notification?", metadata:[values:["Yes","No"]], required:false
section("And as text message to this number (optional)"){
input "phone", "phone", title: "Phone Number", required: false
def installed() {
log.debug "Installed with settings: ${settings}"
def updated() {
log.debug "Updated with settings: ${settings}"
def subscribeToEvents() {
subscribe(contact, "", sendMessage)
subscribe(acceleration, "", sendMessage)
subscribe(motion, "", sendMessage)
subscribe(mySwitch, "switch.on", sendMessage)
subscribe(arrivalPresence, "presence.present", sendMessage)
subscribe(departurePresence, "presence.not present", sendMessage)
def sendMessage(evt) {
log.debug "$ $evt.value, $messageText"
if ( sendPushMessage != "No" ) {
(1..((burstCount ?: 5) - 1)).each {
camera.take(delay: (500 * it))
if (phone) {
sendSms(phone, messageText)