Hi, I have been using Noonlight for alarm monitoring for a few years. But it doesn’t work anymore because the SmartApp is disabled. Noonlight’s website has no information about this change.
Is there a different way for them to be contacted when the alarm is tripped? Maybe another monitoring service? Even better a service that knows what tripped the alarm?
Are you using this with Konnected? Did you convert your Konnected system to use Konnected Cloud? That’s the only Smartthings integration I see with googling, through Konnected.
As usual I’m unsure of what to do. I was using the Konnected.io in SmartApps and Device Handler for Noonlight monitoring service. Now it seems like I have to have a Konnected device or a panel to connect to SmartThings to connect to an Alarm monitoring company. Can you please help to explain how to connect to a monitoring company without buying additional hardware?
Looks like when Konnected was setup with DTHs and a Smartapp, there may have been a Noonlight SmartApp. Konnected transitioned to a cloud to cloud connection for the new architecture, where the old Smartapps were not required. Looking at Konnected’s support pages, the Noonlight integration is done through the Konnected Cloud app. This all assumes you have Konnected hardware already.
After some chatting with Konnected, they explained that I need a siren that Smartthings will trigger, and that will trigger Konnected Cloud via their app which then triggers NoonLight. So Konnected connects to a siren via wifi, but I dont know if Smarttings connects to a device on wifi. Konnected support says any siren they sell will work. But not sure if that’s true. I’m really just guessing at the wifi part, but how else would a device without a hub connect.
The sirens that Konnected.io sell are not Wi-Fi. They are hardwired to a Konnected.io control board. So I am wondering if the support person you talked to didn’t realize that you didn’t already have the control board.
(There are lots of WiFi devices that smartthings can connect to, like Meross and TPLINK kasa, but those aren’t going to trigger a konnected.io event.)
Noonlight does have an IFTTT channel, but it’s very basic. Now that the smartthings/Ifttt integration is working with the new platform, that might be an option for some people.
Hi, is there any other monitoring company that works with SmartThings without SmartApps and Device Handlers? I think I’m getting the runaround with Konnected.
None that I know of. To be honest, I’ve always been surprised that Noonlight did, since smartthings is not UL listed as a security system (and can’t be, since it doesn’t have its own cellular communications).
This works as good as before the Device Handlers and Smartapps went away; I purchased a Konnected Alarm Panel Conversion Kit and 12V siren. After connecting it to WiFi and Smartthings hub, tripped the armed alarm, I received a call from NoonLight asking what is my emergency. I already had a NoonLight account. I also added a 12V battery backup for this board. My Hub is already on a battery backup. Some peace of mind is better than none.