Is there any ‘hack’ to allow me to add more devices than the 300 limit that comes up on the app?
You used to be able to uncheck ‘devices to use’ within the app, then add your new devices and then go back in and re check the devices again but this doesn’t seem to work now.
Do you happen to have hue lights? One way to decrease devices was to add only rooms from hue to ST. For example my hallway and terrace would have 10 separate bulbs but as rooms they appear only as two devices.
You could relocate some of your non-hub devices to a dummy location. The problem is that ST automations don’t work across 2 locations. So you would need to use 3rd party apps like SharpTools, Google Home and/or Alexa for cross location automations.
Are you using iOS or Android? The reason I ask is, if you have a spare Android device running Android 8 or higher. You can download version from APKMirror. This version does not have any device limits. I’m sitting at 275 devices right now and ST’s will not let me add any devices to my v3 hub. I just grab my old phone, add the device and then switch back to my daily driver with the latest app to configure the device and set the driver if necessary. It’s a hack, but it works.
This is a real shame that I can’t add any more devices and the only choice I have now is to move to another system.
I get that the hubs can only handle so many devices but I’m currently already over 400 ( a lot of these are actually virtual devices ) and I’ve already deleted like 10-15 devices to try and allow me to use an older ST app to add a few more. The hub goes into pairing mode but it simply won’t add them
That tells me it’s a software thing and not an actual hardware thing. If it was a hardware thing I wouldn’t be allowed to add over 300 to begin with.
That’s odd. I’m only at 275 total devices and my v3 will not allow me to even click on it in the latest app to add devices, but if I go back to that older version ( both of my hubs are available. I’m running a v2 hub and a v3 hub without issues as far as functionality. I moved off my v2 hub during the Edge conversion thinking the v3 would be the latest, greatest. I should have done my research, half the memory and half the CPU of the v2. Anyway, after Nest torpedoed the Secure platform, I pulled my v2 hub back out and now I only run my security devices on that hub, motion sensors, contact sensors, sirens, keypads, etc. It made a natural demarcation. I’ve got about 100 devices on my v2 hub and 125 on my v3 hub, the other 50 are WiFi/LAN devices. Have you thought about splitting off some where it makes sense and running multiple hubs?
Btw, it’s the V2 hub I have and I installed ( on my Android tablet. I can select ‘add devices ‘ and get the hub into pairing mode and by the looks of the LEDs on the devices, they are pairing, but they are most definitely not anywhere on the app.
You can definitely run multiple hubs in the same home. I currently have 3. The only limitation that I’ve found is in routines. If you create a routine and use devices from more than one hub, the routine will not run locally, it will be cloud based. That’s why I try to segregate my devices into categories, my v2 hub is security and v3 is everything else. I had issues onboarding some Aqara leak sensors, it seemed like they weren’t pairing and later I found them in the room with my hub. ST’s never acknowledged that they had joined, I thought they weren’t pairing because the light on my hub kept blinking. I stumbled on them later when I was looking for something else, I was about ready to return them. Finally got all 3 of them paired.
You can, but this won’t help your limit. Its 300 devices in a location, not per hub. Hence the suggestion to run multiple locations with a 3rd party tool tieing them together for any routines.