all ISW-ZPR1-WP13 sensors are offline. the rest of zigbee (using Zigbee Contact Mc from Mariano Colmenarejo) and zwave devices work as normal.
A few days ago, the day after finishing the update campaign to 53.19, four zigbee devices suddenly stopped working on my hub and started showing up offline. One recovered on its own after a short time and I had to recover the other 3 by removing and installing the battery.
I have never had any issues like this on my v3 hub, including firmware 53.19 beta.
I sent the hub logs and reported the issue to Nayely.
The team found that the affected devices had the same device as a parent on the zigbee network and that device had performed a device rejoint on its own and the child devices had lost the connection on the zigbee network.
They do not know why the device disjoined and rejoined the network and they must not have been orphaned and not recover a new communication path with the hub.
I hope they find the problem and solve it, so far it hasn’t happened again.
thanks for the quick reply. i am using v3 hub and the firmware is 000.053.00019. i tried removing and re-adding the device using scanning nearby, but device cannot be found. i tried to change zigbee channel to 15, 20, and 25. but none works.
Today I removed the ISW-ZPR1-WP13 device since I could only see the temperature in the history. I tried to trigger the motion but it did not happen. After I removed it and tried to re-add it back. However, nothing could be discovered. I have tried resetting it multiple times but still not working. I also tried to set to channel 11 for zigbee but still the same. Any suggestion? Thank you
Hi @field210 , have you ever resolved the issue? Thank you
It’s just suddenly working again. FYI
As of last week 5 of these that i have all just started dropping offline and only way to get them online again was to take the batteries out and restart them. They then work for a day or so and go offline again. its so frustrating being a passenger in the bus which is my smart home, i want to be driving the bus not sitting in the back wondering why it decided to drive off a cliff! .
is there a reason you suggest channel 11? is this a specific requirement for these devices? mine have been working great on ch 15 for years until last week. !