I’ve tried waking the 3 sensors that don’t work (4-button push) up many times (~50 times in total), and excluding and re-including them multiple times (~10 times in total), always with the same result.
Zooz says that this is a SmartThings issue, as the devices work with all other hubs, and they only see this issue with SmartThings. Any suggestions for this issue?
I have three Zooz water leak sensors in the basement. When installing them–prior to moving from SmartThings to a Z-Box Hub at that location–I experienced the same thing. Solution for me was to put a mains-powered device nearby the sensor to strengthen the mesh in that area. YMMV, of course, but perhaps worth a try?
I have two of these devices. At first they would not stay online for more than 24 hours. After working with Zooz we found that pairing using the Smarthings default driver worked fine. I deleted the Zooz driver, excluded, then repaired with the default driver. Both sensors have been stable since then.
Thanks a lot. I just tried doing this and all 3 sensors started reporting “Dry” for the first time. I have to test them at home this evening with water, but this may be the key.
I had asked Zooz whether their driver could be the problem earlier, but they were adamant that it was a SmartThings problem…
I did call SmartThings support yesterday evening, and they said I had already done everything they would recommend doing, and that the sensors must be defective