Zigbee Smoke Detector

Does this Zigbee smoke detector work with SmartThings V3.0 hub?

Not sure, but there’s a stock ST device handler for that device: (check the model number)


So if I install the Device Handler, it should work?

You don’t need to install it because it’s already available. What may happen is that when you join the device it may only show up as a Thing. If that happens all you need to do is go to the IDE and edit the device and change the Type field to “zigbee smoke sensor” from the drop down list.

I may get one of these to replace an older zwave detector I have.

Then I understand. Thanks for the answer!

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Reviving an old thread… Have added the smoke detector, changed it to the stock handler. The sensor comes as online and after few hours goes offline. The battery always shows as 0%. Anyone else experiencing this? Any custom DTH that is current and works?

Hi @sidk,
Wath is the model and manufacturer?
I installed 3 heiman zigbee model (HS1SA-E) that have different fingerprint that model (HS1SA-E) in stock dth “Zigbee Smoke Sensor”.
I added the fingerprint and works well since 6 month ago.
Added Runlocally and show local in IDE

The model is HS1SA-E

  • application: 11
  • endpointId: 01
  • manufacturer: HEIMAN
  • model: SmokeSensor-EF-3.0

Changed to your code, made no difference. Pressed the test button, came back online, but still shows as Battery 0%.

Yes, is the same model of mine.
Now that you have the modified dth published, did you try deleting the device and pairing it again?
I think i remember i did that

Hmm, no I didn’t do that, just updated the DTH. Will try to delete the device and re-add later today.

Forgot to reply here @Mariano_Colmenarejo , I deleted the dece and paired again. Your code works like a charm. Thank you so much.