Hello All,
Can anyone calibrate me to share if Smartthings can work with zigbee groups and zigbee group messaging? I’m working with rooms with 11 Juno Connect wafers and am trying to use zigbee groups and group messaging to avoid the popcorn effect.
This is different than “creating a lighting group” as that seems to not be true Zigbee Groups. Smartthings Lighting Groups seem to just sequence / send commands to each wafer individually.
I’m coming back to Smartthings from home assistant tied to an install of a large quantity of these Juno Connect Wafers, and although they support zigbee groups and zigbee binding in home assistant, they aren’t natively supported on any platform other than Smartthings.
Looking at the API, these still seem to use cloud drivers.
I researched this over the weekend some, but hit a wall.
I enrolled successfully,
On the App on an iPhone when going to the Device → Driver–> Select Different Driver I get: No results found
On the API browser when I try to force a driver change I get:
I feel like I’m close, but I’m wondering if because Samsung had a hand in creating the original drivers with/for Acuity, and since they still show as being cloud driven, I’m being blocked from changing the drivers.
You can use the driver with two different Groups functions:
Zigbee cluster Groups, in which the device will receive commands directly from another zigbee device that is in the same group and without going through the Hub. These group number are configured in preferences and you can see the device Groups numbers set in the bottom of the details view, Get Groups capability
Mirror Groups created with bulbs that are paired in this same driver and receive commands from the driver and are managed with a child device that controls all the functions of the bulbs in the group.
In this link it is detailed how these Mirror groups work, which have nothing to do with zigbee groups
Thank you sir!
It is late there. Stop spending time on this!
Do you have PayPal or Venmo or a way to contribute to your bike fund?
I’d like to buy you a beer, or a glass of wine or something for all this help and time.