Zigbee - from flakey to stable

So one of mine at least has started to pick up devices - some of my Quirky Trippers of all things have joined one of my Xbees and are working nicely. I also moved the Xbee to a better location. I think it’s a matter of time. And even so I’m hopefully opening up some direct slots.

I intentionally haven’t done a full repair of network - last time the repairing was a hassle.

I couldn’t use your exact profile because of different model - but I used the settings I could (my channel only goes up to 3FFFF vs. your 7FFFF for example) and also experimented w/ @TN_Oldman’s DIY Programmable XBee (S2B,S2C) ZigBee integration with SmartThings

We’ll see how it goes - I’m encouraged.

Thanks again for the great guide!