Zigbee devices issue


My hub used to be working so good and as expected for around 4 months with no issues at all. All of a sudden I had an issue with only Zigbee devices, while all zwave devices are working perfectly till now.

The issue is all Aqara FP11 presence sensors became off-line, all Aqara smart switches D1 are rather not responding or very slow and take more than 30 seconds to respond, all contact sensors are off-line and so on…

Mainly the issue is Zigbee devices. Note that my hub is v3 and connected to internet through WiFi and the hub is away of the WiFi router to prevent signal interference and at the same time WiFi signal is strong.

Please advise…

Also I noticed some times I got this error message

When this message appears, what is the actual status of the device? Is it the same as the actual status shown in the app?

Did your hub receive a recent firmware update? My experience is that mass loss of zigbee devices is due to upgrade of the hub’s firmware. Walking around opening and closing the contact sensors tends to bring them back online.

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Same here @hezqeel, see my post I made yesterday morning with regards to this and the most recent hub upgrade:


Switch physically on and tried to put it off then I got this message

Tried this solution but issue still exists

That’s true, after farther investigation I found that Zigbee issue happened after latest update 054.13

Any farther help please…

@SmartThings @nayelyz @JDRoberts @iquix @veonua

:thinking: works for me , i’m on 54.013

I’m seeing at least one Zigbee device (Iris motion sensor) drop every few hours. Prior to last FW it was solid.

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I solved the latest zigbee battery drain issues for myself. Wait for it, yep… replaced them with Matter over Thread.

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Issue hopefully resolved…

My WiFi router is using Auto channel and my hub is using Zigbee channel 11, thus I switched the hub Zigbee channel to 15 and test some devices and looks like it work fine. I think the overlapping of the channels was the root cause of my issue.

Many thanks to @cbaumler for his support and patience and thanks goes as well to you @alissa.dornbos

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