Z-Wave Fibaro Motion Sensor and Z-Wave Fibaro Relay Insert 2 * 1.5 KW

I am in Europe and have these two devices.

  • Z-Wave Fibaro Motion Sensor only displays the Motion activities while all other sensors readings are - -
  • Z-Wave Fibaro Relay Insert 2 * 1.5 KW shows in the app as 1 device instead of two…

Would be great to get Smartthings support for them

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I bought one of these as I understand that at least one of the switches work right away.

I will see if I can figure out how to make both switches work.

I made a working version of a device type for the relay switch that supports both switches in the app (only the first switch in SmartApps). It’s possible to configure the device for momentary switches using this device type.

Code is here: https://github.com/mellbratt/smartthings


Thanks Mr mellbratt, that was very helpful, nevertheless the device is working correctly I can’t configure actions since the switch now it doesn’t appear on the device list to configure an action like turn on or off the relay.
Do you know something about this? any hint?

I have also a Fibaro motion sensor - multi sensor actually (FGMS-001 vsr 2.4) but there is no device type for it.Any help?

Anyone know if you can get standard (EU) Fibaro Universal Dimmer unit to work with US-version Smartthings hub?

Reason I ask: You can´t buy CE (EU) version of Smartthings hub and US versions of Fibaro Universal Dimmers are sold out everywhere. The manual seems to indicate it supports all the frequencies, but maybe I´m reading too much into it http://www.fibaro.com/manuals/en/FGD-211/FGD-211-EN-A-v1.03.pdf

Guys, how did you get the Z-Wave Fibaro Relay Insert 2 * 1.5 KW to show up on the app ? If I choose to add a device there is no option for Fibaro and I have tried the “Connect New Device” but nothing is picked up on the scan. The only connected device that is there now is my phone that I installed the app on.

Regarding the github link, how do I apply this ?


Hi! Did you figure out this issue. Have same problem.

first thing is head over to this thread

Then you need to create a custom device type and a app. also create 2 virtual on/off switch

Pair the relay to the hub and assign the custom device type to it.

use the custom app to link the 2 virtual device to the physical device.

if you need any more help please ask

Did you find a solution for this? I have the same problem :slight_smile: