Will My Device Use DTH or Edge Driver if I Have Both? [ST EDGE]

Ok, I think I’ve got this right, but let me know if there are any errors.

When you first add a device to your account, the system looks for a matching “fingerprint,” a series of codes that the device will tell the hub that includes a manufacturer code and a model code.


If you have a custom DTH, a stock DTH, a custom Edge Driver and a stock Edge Driver that all list the same fingerprint that matches your device, the device will be added to your account using the custom DTH.

So if you want it to use the Edge Driver instead, you have to comment out the matching fingerprint in the custom DTH. (Or delete it all together.) And you have to do that BEFORE you add the device to your account, you can’t change it to an Edge Driver later.

So the priority is:

Custom DTH
Custom Edge Driver
Stock Edge Driver
Stock DTH

Or do I have that wrong? :thinking:


If you successfully added a device to your account using an Edge Driver, when you go to the device details page in the app, one of the settings options will say “Driver.” If you tap on that, you should see a list of available drivers that match the fingerprint of your device. I think you can change to a different one by selecting it there, but again, tell me, if I’m wrong.

The IDE is part of the old architecture and does not fully support Edge Drivers. So all devices using Edge Drivers will show up there as “placeholder.” Do not try to make changes there: they won’t work and you can mess things up.


I don’t know how to do this. :thinking:


I know it’s possible for an edge driver to include a generic option so it can be used with devices of the same device class which don’t have an exact fingerprint match but I don’t know where that match falls on the priority list.


Let the education begin! LOL! :partying_face:


I haven’t done enough testing of borderline cases to be clear on behavior, but here’s my feedback from what I have seen:

I don’t think there’s currently a distinction between the “stock” ST drivers and others. Where this would impact the fingerprinting process is if one has a specific fingerprint (manufacturer/device) while another is more generic (supported z-wave command classes, for example).

This would require excluding, changing your collection of drivers/DTHs to have the DTH have highest priority, then including.

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Don’t custom DTHs get priority over stock DTHs if both include the same fingerprint? Or am I confused?

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I believe you are correct on this.

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Yes for DTHs. I was referring to the distinction you made between stock and custom Edge drivers

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I know there are some people who have created custom edge Drivers for some Devices with the same fingerprint as the ones in the official beta channel. Do the custom ones get priority or does it cause a problem if you are subscribed to both channels?

I don’t know if there is a priority, all things being otherwise equal, but I am not sure it is the issue it was. Indeed I am not sure it was ever supposed to be an issue with DTHs, you just changed the device type to your preferred one. The difference now is that you can only choose between fingerprinted drivers instead of anything that took your fancy. It seems unlikely that you were ever supposed to take a suck it and see approach in the first place.


I don’t know that any of us as users have enough data to say for certain what the priority order is between Edge drivers. The ST beta channel looks, walks, and quacks like any other channel (save for the nil developer hash) so I’m inclined to believe it operates the same for fingerprinting. When I have multiple of my own drivers with a particular fingerprint in them, I see enough consistency in which is chosen to believe there’s a sort order, but my current theory is that it’s programmer logic like sort by driver ID and pick the first match.

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For the Philip’s Hue motion sensor (SML001) I commented out the fingerprint of the DTH I was using and still the sensor picks up the DTH instead of the custom Edge driver when I re add it. I tried resetting the sensor and various power cycling (device,hub).

Trying to use @iquix driver:

Anyone know how to make it pick up the driver instead of DTH? I was hesitant to delete the DTH given how many of these I have.

What does the Groovy IDE show as the fingerprint for your device? Have you confirmed that it matches one of the fingerprints included in that driver?

You should be successful if you have:

  • Your fingerprint in the driver
  • The driver installed on your hub
  • The fingerprint commented out of any custom DTH in your account

Yes it matches. And yes, I have the driver installed on my hub.

Per the driver:

  • id: hue-motion-sensor
    deviceLabel: Hue Motion Sensor
    manufacturer: Philips
    model: SML001
    deviceProfileName: hue-motion-sensor

Per the IDE:

  • manufacturer: Philips
  • model: SML001

It’s weird that when I re-add it, it has the original name before I removed it from the hub and reset the device. Makes me think I’m doing something wrong.

That’s odd. Maybe try turning on secure mode on the hub device in the app (or disabling unsecure rejoin through the IDE) before you exclude/include?

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That didn’t work initially. But then I deleted the sensor using the IDE instead of the app, then reset the sensor, then power cycled both the sensor and the hub, then added it and it grabbed the driver.


I was under the impression that all “new” (or in my cases re included devices) would move to the edge driver; however, I added one today and the existing DTH was picked up. Is that to be expected at this point?

yes, it is still possible to get a DTH. If you have a custom DTH installed then the device would select it over an Edge Driver. If the device does not have an appropriate Edge Driver in Production with the fingerprints for your device then a DTH would be selected.

best way to give you a better answer is to ask the brand/model of the device in question.

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It is the HS-FS100+ Z-Wave Flex Sensor used in water sensor mode.