These are xiaomi temperature/humidity sensors. I initially installed some device handler and they were working perfectly. Suddenly some day they started showing this instead… Honestly pretty PISSED about it because everytime I spend x hours researching how to get something integrated into my home and are happy about it, it takes just one update and then things are not working again. Then I have to go here and find a solution and usually that takes additional hours of work and are quite frankly a pain in the ***… I never imagined the amount of maintenance for a smart home system would be within this scope… There are updates very frequently and if they would just keep backwards compatibility or be non breaking changes it wouldn’t be a problem. But after half a year owning a Samsung smartthings hub I have found myself investing soooo many hours maintaining and repairing integrations and automations… Lot more hours than I save when I don’t have to physically get up and toggle a light switch, etc.
I’m honestly feeling really frustrated about this because I do not sense that this is the normal experience from other smart home enthusiasts… When I read posts or watch YouTube videos it all sounds really nice but what I experience is definitely not what is being portrayed. Sorry for the vibe… Just needed to let this off my chest.
Back to the actual question. Any ideas why these sensors are showing “checking status” and not just the temperature that it reported? When I tab on it and go to its view I can see that it is in fact reporting temperature and humidity so why does it not just display that at the home tile view?
This is getting a bigger issue now as you forced us to move to the new smartthings app. It worked well with the classic app, but still no way to make it work in the new app. I’m glad I’m moving my things to my Hubitat, it works way better, smoother, locally, and most of all when an obvious issue like this one is addressed it does not take months for it to be resolved.
I see the same behavior, but in addition some devices shows as disconnected even though I can use them, and many of the devices, especially the ones with custom DHT show the incorrect main tile/value. The new app really feels like a downgrade from the old app.
The forced transition to the new app is forcing me to move my sytem to Hubitat after 2-3 years of Smartthings…