I have a few of these from the past and after last firmware update seems to work well. Bit bulky but useful at that price so just picked up another one.
You have to be a prime member to get access now to the deal, usually £29.99 reduced to £21.99
I have a few of these from the past and after last firmware update seems to work well. Bit bulky but useful at that price so just picked up another one.
You have to be a prime member to get access now to the deal, usually £29.99 reduced to £21.99
Hi, new to Smartthings - are these easy to integrate and are the responsive?
yes there is a connect app and after latest firmware update to Belkin plug are repsonsive and reliable. This never used to be the case. Its not as responsive as zwave/zigbee etc as ts IP based however when i run routines it turns the socket off split second after the zwave devices so more than adequate. I use mine for a kitchen extractor fan and light as well as some fairy lights.
Excellent thanks, might get one since it seems fairly inexpensive.
Thanks for the heads up.
Bought and will be added to my setup.
Cheers !
Back on again for the next few hours
Thank you very much… good call
Hi larian, the WeMo switch turned up today…
I have got it working through the app okay
Could you just give some pointers as to how you got it working with ST
Thanks a lot
Just seen this, yes, its roughly the following if you haven’t already managed it:
This is from memory but its basically the process
Yep, your memory serves you well… thank you very much
It’s all good
Not a bad switch for £22
Thanks again
Does the ST app report energy usage from these plugs?
Hi, no I don’t think it does…
I think there is another model that does