I’m sure that’s very frustrating! Do you have any Sonos devices? There’s some really weird current bug where having multiple Sonos devices can cause intermittent Z wave failures. There’s no Clear reason why that should happen, it may be associated with runaway polling. But right now the only thing support can suggest is to remove the Sonos devices and then, indeed, the Z wave devices usually start working magically again.
You should repeat z-wave network repairs until this clears up, leaving at least 15 minutes in between. If those same devices continue to have problems, and are actual real devices, you may have a mesh network problem, or the devices may need to be reset.
I have one z-wave dimmer that always fails to update the mesh during a repair, yet it works reliably in its single automation. I think I probably should remove the device, reset it, re-incude it, etc. But for now I’m too lazy. As long as it works, why bother.
No discovered it was one of the outlets. I couldn’t even turn the light on manually. I turned it off at the switch, did a reset, and then a repair and everything is now working. It seemed to have knocked the other two devices out of the mesh.
Luckily this is one of the devices that didn’t require me prying open small, hard to open box, like the motion sensor
@keltymd had a similar problem last week and he solved some of his problems by pulling the little tab on the switch itself instead of the breaker. I’ve always used the ‘breaker method’ but the tab idea seems a better solution…
do all the tabs turn off all Zwave devices then add them back one at a time and run a repair after each one. You will get failures for all turned off devices but the one you turned back on should not give a failure. Start to the device closest to your hub and work your way away.