Water Temperature Device

After several years of searching for a reliable solution to monitor pool water temperature, and finding none. I came across this device. https://www.amazon.com/YoLink-Weatherproof-Temperature-Sensor-Required/dp/B08Z3XH313/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=1UPH8YLKPPP5L&keywords=yolink%2Btemperature%2Bsensor&qid=1685365744&sprefix=yolink%2Caps%2C113&sr=8-2-spons&smid=A2E6L4XU587CP3&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFES05WS1FKWDY4UEgmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA5NzQ1MDJSSUpCS01BMjFFRjAmZW5jcnlwdGVkQWRJZD1BMDA0NzIxOTFGWVpRTlFNNVY5R0wmd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGYmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl&th=1
I have no idea what frequency or band this transmits on. Does anyone have any experience getting the information from it into a Z-Wave environment? It appears to be WIFI.

It would be great if there was a Z-Wave device that did this?

Thatā€™s a LoRa device using a proprietary frequency that needs its own hub, you canā€™t ā€œbring it into a z wave environment.ā€

There might be some awkward and clunky ways to bring it into a smartthings account, but I think it would be more sense to just look for one that has smoother integration. Or wait until thereā€™s one available that supports Matter.

There are multiple Z wave devices that can do this, though, mostly by connecting to a probe sensor very much like the one you see in the picture of the yolink device. So the radio part is using zwave, but the sensor is just a standard ds18b20 probe.

Or, if you need Wi-Fi in order to get the longer range, the Shelley devices can also accept a probe and have a smartthings integration.

Thereā€™s a community FAQ on devices that can accept these probes, why donā€™t you take a look at that?

Devices that work with DS18B20 Probe sensors that have working Edge Drivers (2023)

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Thanks JD. I was hoping this would catch your attention. Iā€™ll take a look at that FAQ. I donā€™t want WIFI, and range is not a concern. Just a simple temp probe that will connect to a Z-Wave device.

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YoLink uses a technology called LoRa for transmission, is not WiFi, so you need to buy their LoRa Hub in order to make it work, in another hand I am not sure if YoLink devices are compatible with Smartthinngs.

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You can look at Qubino. They have an optional digital probe that plug into a number of their devices like the flush 1 relay.

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Do you know if thereā€™s an edge driver that is working with these to report the probe data?

I stumbled across Qubino today. Some are saying in other Forums that the Qubino needs a custom DTH in order to report temperature. Since that wonā€™t work, I was also wondering about a driver. The Qubino and the probe are 90.00, so Iā€™d prefer it works! LOL.

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It is advertised as working with Smartthings and i see the fingerprints in the Smartthings edge driver list. It shows a temperature capability for the flush 1 and flush 1d device.

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Qubino | SmartThings.

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I see it can be powered with 24v dc which will be a lot safer around a pool area.

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The one I was looking at is 12 v DC. Which is great for the pool area. Is there a difference between EU products and USA? I seem to recall JD mentioning something like that a couple years ago. Reason I ask is it looks like the link Francois added is for a EU device. Not sureā€¦

I know a couple of years back @ritchierich was using Qubinoā€˜s with probes, but I donā€™t know if he has them on the new architecture yet. :thinking:

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The US uses a different Z-wave frequency from EU. If you are in the US you must buy from there. I looked at the manual again and it shows 24v. Here is the Qubino 1D with dry contact outputs on Amazon that also indicates 24v
Qubino Z-Wave Plus Universal Relay with Dry Contact Switch ZMNHND3 https://a.co/d/bU7fxlM

Excellent! Worth a try. If only the probe cable was a bit longer.

Your other option is the Fibaro Smart implant. You can add normal DS18B20 probes to it. They are cheaper and can have longer runs of up to 20 or 30 meters. It can be powered with anything between 9v and 30v.

There is a community driver developed for it.

Yes, the Fibaro implant is one of the devices listed at the link in post #2 above. :wink:

I will add the Qubino to that thread as soon as a community member can confirm that the edge driver actually exposes the temperature. Weā€™ve had issues in the past with edge drivers not working exactly the way they were supposed to, so for threads like that I like to have everything confirmed as working before itā€™s posted.


Fibaro RGBW 442 controler also allows for temp probe connection but i am unsure if Marianos driver has the temp capability developed

Not sure but I think the smart implant might be a better bet and is also more versatile if you decide to use it for something else in future.

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20.00 less as wellā€¦