I have a problem with STHM showing all my water leak and one smoke sensor as offline on android, even though they all shows as online and works perfectly fine in rooms they belong too.
Even STHM alarm is triggered if I put water sensor in water.
My SHM has been showing 1 of my leak sensors as offline for a while now. Just went back into it and it showed it still offline, let it sit on the list of sensors for a bit and it finally cleared.
I wanted to confirm if there were any changes noted from resetting the STHM, closing the application, or clearing the cache of the ST App? Are you running the latest version of the ST app?
If the symptom persists after trying the above troubleshooting steps, I would recommend creating a support ticket so we can look into your concerns further. You can reach out directly to a support team in your area using the below information: