V3 hub keeps restarting/disconnecting

This started happening 2 weeks ago and progressively became more frequent, now it seems to be every 5 minutes all day.

DNS settings are fine, not IP conflicts, only a dozen devices connected to hub, connected via ethernet. Any ideas what I can troubleshoot? I am unfortunately not even at the hub location for the next 3 weeks but have remote access to my network.

First: you should open a support ticket with ST support and give them remote access to your hub. In the app, tap on Menu and select Contact us to find all contact methods available to you.

  • firmware version of hub
  • have you rebooted the hub?
  • iOS or Android and version of app?
  • have you verified hub offline status in the Advanced Web App
  • do you have other platforms/systems at that location showing offline that may show some type of ISP issue?

And again… report the issue to ST support as noted above.

I believe a saw another user with hub rebooting in the past few days.

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Oh… I forgot to mention to send your hub logs to support. Details on that are in the link above. :slight_smile:

Tagging @nayelyz

Thanks for your reply!

Firmware version: 000.053.00019
Yes, no change
Android app
Verified offline in Advanced Web App
Nothing else with this issue. In router setting I can also see the DHCP lease for the hub resetting each time it disconnects, when all other devices have normal lease times remaining.

I requested logs and it said they were requested successfully. What does this mean? That they have been sent to support or that they will come to me and I have to forward them to support?

Thanks that post seems to be more app related, but my issue appears to be firmly hub connectivity related. I did as you said and opened a support request vie the website (it took me to https://samsunguk.my.site.com/ so I hope I opened the support request at the right location).

It is now so bad it is basically in a permanent reset loop, it’ll only connect for a few seconds, then disconnect again. It has got progressively worse over the past few days and is essentially unusable right now.

Let Support handle it from here. If they need anything… they should reach out :slight_smile:

allow remote access to your hub for Support.

Enable support access to your account:

  1. Go to the SmartThings Web (my.smartthings.com)
  2. Log in to your Samsung Account
  3. Select Menu (⋮) and choose Settings
  4. Toggle on Account Data Access
  5. Select the time period and confirm - In this step, please select “Until turned off”, once the team finishes, we’ll let you know so you can disable it again.
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Hi, @smartshroom!

When you submit the logs, they are uploaded to a SmartThings server that only the engineering team can view. But, it is important that you send them right after you see an error to avoid losing the related events’ logs.
If support contacts you, they will escalate the issue accordingly, just provide a good description of your issue and mention you already submitted the Hub logs.

Let us know if they don’t reply or redirect you here.

Thanks for the tag, @jkp

This may not be relevant but over 2 years ago I had a similar problem with my V2 hub (but it was a few time a day, not every 5 minutes). I noticed that the V2 hub LED was regularly blue.
I was also able to observe the problem from my router’s admin screen while the LED was blue.
I fixed it by going into DHCP settings on my router and ‘fixing’ the IP address of my V2 hub. The problem never happened again.
Might be worth a try.