(Someday my dog will be automated)
March 11, 2016, 2:40pm
Insteon has a proprietary technology and won’t directly talk to ST. Some people have connected their Insteon lights through a community device type, but the Insteon hub is still required. Maybe this thread will help:
I’ve taken the good work of others who created the Insteon device type, and modified it to support X10 devices connected over insteon.
Currently I’ve implemented X10 switch and X10 Dimmer. See https://github.com/pshotton/insteon-x10-smartthings/
Feel free to comment - this is my first ST device type code.
Known gotchas:
Insteon requires (at least) two HTTP requests to control an X10 device, one to set the address and the other to send the command. However if these are less than about 1/2 second apart then the hub ignores them! I’m returning two HubAction objects from the command, and it seems that the delay that ST puts between them is just enough…
Dimming is a bit of a mare. There are 22 levels in X10, and you change levels by repeatedly sending DIM or BRIGHT commands. So to go f…
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