Use Phone location slider button won't stay set

I’m having a real pain with using phone location, basically the ‘Use Phone Location’ slider button in ‘Smarttings Settings’ won’t stay set, if I set it, exit the page and come back it’s unset. If I switch it on and off again without leaving the page I get the ‘Try Again Later’ message so guess the app can’t update something somewhere? I removed the Classic App just in case it was conflicting but no joy.

Location is switched on in the phone and Smartthings has location permission. I’m using the new app ver 1.2.45-28 on a Galaxy S8, Android 9.

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Hey there!

Have you tried checking to ensure the the classic application and the smartthings application is not being caught by any type of battery optimization or sleeping applications. I’d make sure that it wasn’t turning off your location or placing it as a sleeping application.

I would recommend clearing the cache of both apps and then re-opening.

Do you still experience the symptoms?

I’m having a similar issue with my Huawei Honor 9 and my wife’s iPhone.

On my Android, I can turn on the slider, but if I exit the setting and return in, the slider is off for half a second and then turns back on.

I am having this same problem. Has anyone found a fix for this?

I contacted Samsung yesterday on this issue and they seemed clueless

Hey there! @priobe,

Have you already tried reinstalling your ST app to make sure you are running the latest version and can re-allow the permissions ensuring Location is enabled? Does this allow for the “Get Location from this phone” to be toggled on? Resetting phone location is done by toggling this option.

I hope this message finds you well!


I have tried reinstalling the app and I am still not able to turn on the slider. Furthermore I have tried logging into my sons phone with my account and the slider turns on. I had my son login to my phone with his account and the slider works for him.

It seem to be an issue with my account on my Phone.
We both have the same iPhone 12.

I have contacted Apple and they have advised me to restore my phone. I am waiting to see what the community has to say before doing that.

Any chance they meant reset network settings on the iPhone? You can try that. Be warned… it does remove any wifi settings you may have so you will need to set those up again.

I just restored my phone to factory reset as per Apple suggestion. I am still having the same issue. I guess I have to call Apple again.

Was that using your Samsung Account in SmartThings?

I have the same issue here with our two iPhone 12 on iOS 14.5.1 and 14.6. Also if I don’t open the app for a few hours… when I open it, I have to clicks the “sign-in” button like I’ve never signed in.

Not sure I understand your question… Yes that was using the Samsung login in smartthings.

Is there another way to sign in? I am looking for any suggestions at this point.

I am almost ready to wipe my phone clean ( Not a restore) as in brand new , then install the app to see what happens.

If you did a restore on your phone… then try resetting network settings on it. Worth a shot

I just did the network reset right now
Still nothing ?

I could see three variables. The handset, the account used to login to the handset, and the Samsung account used to login to SmartThings. I just wasn’t sure what ‘account’ meant.

Last thing I can think to try … login to IDE and check to see if there are any lingering phone presence devices for your phone. It may be a little difficult since SmartThings has changed the naming convention for them. You may need to open each that you find and check the last activity date. If you find any that may match to when you last used presence, delete it or any other outdated phone presence devices. Just make sure not to delete current ones for the other family members so take your time going through them.

If you find any out-of-dates ones and remove them… restart your hub, restart your phone and try to enable location on your iPhone.

My slider does the same thing. When I try to slide mine on, it starts a loading circle in the lower part of a 1/2 second then slides the tab back off. My phone doesn’t show up in the history and none of the devices are working by presence sensors. But inside setting/ privacy it shows that smart things is being sent my location. Inside the app… in notifications it’s showing when I return.

Even when I try to make a new automation, then click the members location. It prompts me that I have to turn the location on for this phone.

I’ve tried uninstall / re-install… different order signing in/ allowing locations. In the location services in iOS … I’m set to “always”

OK I got it. I tried the factory reset on my phone. Set up as new phone with only the ST app and still, the slider would bounce back.

Some of the steps might not be required but this is how I got my iPhone 12 “get you location from this phone” toggle to stay on.
I deleted every automation that had a presence sensor associated with it, deleting the presence sensor and getting the “these automations will no longer be associated with this device” messaged didn’t fix mine.

Log out of the app (do not delete), make sure iOS- location service- smartthings = always

Then goto IDE groovy … mine showed no devices under the device tab as well as no hubs its tab. But going to “location” tab, “Devices” and the “hub name” actually show up and once I open them once within the webpage. The other tabs work. None the less find your iphone which show the type as “Mobile presence”… Delete

Back to the app- sign in… goto menu/ gear/ get your location from this phone… and toggle on.

Assign at least 1 automation with presence sensor

Now in IDE… devices make sure your iphone now shows up. It should show the iphone type as a “placeholder” now.

I restored my phone back to normal… deleted automation/ signed out/ deleted in IDE/ signed in and now Im back up and running and recreating my automations

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@superman_006, Thank you for following up and sharing the steps that you used to resolve your symptoms.

@priobe, @Nichomarie, @Gizmo101, Do yall notice any changes in the symptoms using the above troubleshooting steps to delete from IDE and re-setup your “Get location from this phone”?

If the symptom persists, I would recommend creating a Support ticket so we can look into your concerns further.

You can reach out directly to a support team in your area using the below information:
US: 1-866-813-2404
UK support 0333 0000333

I hope this message finds you well!


Superman … You are the MAN!!!

So as a Hunch… I think this happens when upgrading went from 1.6.65 - 502 to current 1.6.68-523. I noticed in the old SW version it listed the phone Presence sensor as a “Mobile Presence” and in the newer SW it list the phone as a “Place Holder”. Now my hunch is since I did the upgrade " Classic - New ST) from way back in the days, it only impacted my phone. My son’s phone handled the upgrade just fine. Maybe because his was not the main phone that did the upgrade. My wife is still running on the “New” old SW. version. BTW, can we come up with a different name for the “NEW” app, it gets confusing when doing a search for troubleshooting, not knowing who is having issues on what versions.
Im not sure if this is being tracked anywhere with versions but it would truly help with less grey hairs and smoother transitions to newer versions.

Here is exactly what I did …

*deleted every automation that had a presence sensor associated with it, deleting the presence sensor and getting the “these automations will no longer be associated with this device” messaged didn’t fix mine.

*Log out of the app (do not delete), make sure iOS- location service- smartthings = always

*Then goto IDE groovy … mine showed no devices under the device tab as well as no hubs its tab. But going to “location” tab, “Devices” and the “hub name” actually show up and once I open them once within the webpage. The other tabs work. None the less find your iphone which show the type as “Mobile presence”… Delete

*Back to the app- sign in… goto menu/ gear/ get your location from this phone… and toggle on.


Yes the latest app 1.6.68 that was released 2 weeks ago is when the change came. I’m hoping they are trying to fix their location services. Since it’s a new look… I’m assuming it will be called “Samsung connect app v4”?

When I got a new iPhone (12) I couldn’t download classic thru the App Store so I installed it thru a backup, but I still couldn’t log into it. I kept my old phone logged into classic which kept all my location services working-ish. Since totally loosing classic on the new iPhone, 1/2 the stuff in my house hasn’t been working and everyday I start getting alerts from the security part. As soon as I got my iPhone location working… her’s did the auto-update 2 days later which killed her location.

I’ve noticed this version, I have to keep clicking signin after I restart my phone or every so often… I click signin and don’t have to type anything in and I goes thru the “what’s new” screens again. My wife’s phone also is doing that.