(Updated) Efergy 2.0 (Connect)

As said in this thread, I want to incorporate better integration of this “Efergy 2.0 (connect)” smartapp into the SmartTiles Dashboard.

i.e. What I really want on my SmartTiles dashboard in addition to the existing current usage in Watts/Kw’s, is the current running cost per hour (i.e. £0.65 p/hr) along with “Today’s Usage” in both “£” and “kWH”, the months usage also in “£” and “kWH” like shown on tonesto7’s smartapp.

Would it be possible for me (and how) or competent others on here to edit the code for this smartapp/device handler to add the other pieces of data such as “£ p/hr” I want displayed on the dashboard of SmartTiles as their own respective power meters.

i.e. So I have several “Power Meters” each displaying a different bit of data that will be displayed on my SmartTiles dashboard.

Regards: Elliott.

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