Your on Android I assume, as it hasn’t been fixed yet in IOS. It has been broken since the last IOS App update, so now I have three devices that don’t show power. I hope the IOS fix is coming soon.
Yes, I’m on android. It was working fine before app update.
Same issue with Activity Feed… shows 2 items… on 2.1.3 Android… Galaxy Note 5 Marshmallow 6.0.1
Currently, for me, the only way I can see the complete Activity Feed events is to turn on debug. But then you also have the extra events (gray text on a gray background) you have to wade through
Do you have specific suggestions on how you would like to see the widgets in SharpTools improved? I’m open to suggestions - maybe you have some screenshots of other widgets you really like?
I would note that the widgets in SharpTools originally started out as Shortcuts which are slightly different than traditional Widgets. Shortcuts are just like application icons – they scale like app icons, have labels, can fit in folders, etc. As such, the original design was kept simple to fit within the Android guidelines. I later added traditional widgets that display state (eg. on/off) and to keep in line with the existing design, I styled the new widget like the original shortcuts (1x1 widget).
I would say something more of a flat look. I feel that this would flow better with android marshmallow’s aesthetic
Just an FYI. If you have smarttiles set up. You can go into it and select event history. As a temporary workaround to see your events until the app starts working. I’m sure it’s available on the ide somewhere too. I personally am very new to all this and learning / self educating on the fly.
Not sure if this issue has been posted somewhere but on the newest Android version 2.1.3 I sometimes get multiple widget icons and plus signs. See image for explanation.
I have not seen this one on my note 5 will android 6.0.1
I have seen that at random times since the update. I have other issues too.
I’ve seen this as well in my note 4
On my Smartthings App, how can I see what version I have.
On recent Android versions, swipe from right edge towards the left (or tap the three bar icon in upper right corner), then tap Support in the lower right, then About.
Add a Refresh Widgets widget
Nice work here. Well done.
On another note: any thoughts on letting us reorganize our things in the list? Alphabetical is neat and all, but I don’t want to have to preempt my things with “Light,” “Door,” or “Presence” anymore.
Maybe I missed it, but any ETA on when the iOS updates will be released? Seems like android users per this thread already have it.
@david.mccrindle: may want to check font / background colors.
A ticket has been submitted to fix this. Apologies.
You actually have to submit a ticket to fix your own stuff? I’m pretty sure that’s called red tape.
Post it note?
Where I come from its called change management