Uninstall classic app affecting new app?

I’d have both classic and new app. If I delete the classic will anything negative happen with my devices, automations, etc?

No but make sure you remove any Smart Home Monitor rules in the Classic app before you delete the app :slight_smile:

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Similar question - when the new app came out there were a bunch of things that wouldn’t work so the advice was to stick with classic. Is there any reason to NOT move to the new app now? I have Samsung vacuums that require the new app so I have both now…

at this point and in my opinion, I recommend that you start migrating to the new app. The new app has made much progress in gaining parity to the Classic app. It has a bit more to go but overall it is at a good point to start using it.

I believe the biggest sticking points previously (where we recommended not switching) was the lack of what you could do with the old Custom Automations and the ability to manage STHM arm/disarmed status and a few other items. Those have been addressed and I am certain a few other remaining issues will be addressed.

But that is my opinion. others may or may not disagree :slight_smile: