Unable to find successfully published SmartApp on phone

Using previous Smartthings v 2.17.0 build 448328
Samsung 9+ (Also executed “Wipe Cache Partition”)
Android 9.0

I’ve deleted and successfully republished several times over the last two days (jpg snap available - don’t know how to send).

My chosen topic “Safety and Security” was the only one that matched those topics available on my phone

I understand it’s to be available in
“Marketplace” > “SmartApps” (not listed) ???

It’s also not listed in “My Apps”.

Please help.
Thank you!

You are logging into IDE at https://account.smartthings.com ?

If you click on the image icon above the text editor, it will allow you to choose the image you wish to post.

Yes, that’s where I log in with the lower Smartthings button , and I see my published app at https://graph-na04-useast2.api.smartthings.com/ide/apps

JKP, I sincerely appreciate your help.


where is the child app?

is this the app you are installing?

Based upon your quesiton: Is this the way the compile should be structured ?

Thanks again,

QUESTION: When I login on the phone, I have two choices: “New to Smartthings” or “I’m a Smartthings”. I login to the first - taking me to my Samsung account (which recognizes my hub).

Is this correct, please?

IF I log into the second, where do I get the required code?

Is there a “Users Manual” somewhere that I’m overlooking, please?

That is correct… use New to SmartThings

Based upon your previous question above at 18h “where’s the child app?” :

Is this the way the compile should be structured?

My results are still not in the Marketplace > SmartApps > My Apps

Thank you again !!

Looks like you have added it. Your first image there was only one app installed. Your second and third show there are now two apps installed which align to what was called for from the thread I linked to above.

If you are still having problems getting it to work, you should post in that thread and that way the developer will get a notification and should respond to you with some assistance.

JKP, your help has been truly appreciated.

Best Regards,