I’ve been thinking about ordering some Ubis to go along with my SmartThings, and I’ve thought of a few things I would use them for. First, the two obvious pathways would either take information from SmartThings straight to Ubi or use Ubi to perform actions like SmartApps:
(1) Answer questions based on information from sensors, e.g. is my wife home? (based on her key fob SmartThing) or, Is the basement door open? (the cat keeps opening it just to annoy me!) Hopefully also provide information without asking if I deem it important enough, as mentioned by others.
(2) Perform actions analogous to SmartApps. Turn on/off lights, lock the deadbolt, etc.
Then I’d like to be able to use features of both in a slightly more complex way:
(3) Provide input to SmartThings based on Ubi sensors. e.g. humidity level triggers outlet that powers the humidifier/dehumidifer, etc.
(4) Music or sound playback or Ubi lights when events happen, e.g. when I unlock the door and nobody else is home, it plays my music, OR I could use it as a de facto doorbell based off of a button I install by my front door. One great advantage here is that I could also set it to silent mode when someone is asleep, so that the Ubis (or only a certain Ubi) would just light up.
And then of course being able to customize these further. For example, glowing red on the bedroom Ubi if it’s nighttime, everyone is home, and the front door is unlocked. Telling me I left the lights on in the basement, since there hasn’t been any motion down there for a while. That sort of thing.
But I think what is really going to sell my wife on Ubi is being able to use it as a baby monitor and intercom, if I get more than one. I just haven’t been able to find out whether I would be able to put the baby’s Ubi (or maybe all Ubis, depending) in silent mode on demand, which would be kind of a dealbreaker.