Tuya Smart does it work?

Hi Paul. Thanks for your great instructions. So I am down to where I have the TuyaSmart application as a linked service in SmartThings and, just like you said, the two Garage door switches are showing in the room ‘Garage’ I created but are offline. You said this would happen and it did! I can still use the function in the Tuya App and the door opens and closes in response to these commands.

So the next steop is to get around the offline status using WebCore pistons. I hadn’t used that program before but have got up to speed and written a couple of test ‘pistons’ that work. Very powerful program. Now I need to create the virtual switch in ST and then generate a piston for each scene - ‘Garage Door Open’ and ‘Garage Door Close’.

That is where I am at and working out how to create the virtual switch and link it to a Webcore piston. The job isn’t done yet, but getting close and I’ll update the community with progress.

Thanks for all your help,
