Trying to Re-Add my SmartSense Multi, but logs show "NOT A HUE"

The root of the issue was that my SmartSense Multi is firing multiple times (I have 2, and both are showing up with more events than they should) so I thought I’d replace the batteries. Well once I did that I wasn’t seeing anything in the mobile app react to it. So as I’ve had to do before I would delete the device and then re-add it, but tonight the app is not picking up the device at all.

My first reaction was to hit up the logs to see what’s happening and any time the SmartSense Multi changes state (acceleration, open/close) I get this line in my logs:

20e4806f-0414-4c16-a95e-0389ce549d7b 9:32:42 PM: debug GOT EVENT — — NOT A HUE

The UUID on the left also doesn’t change, so I know the hub can SEE the device, but it won’t add the thing…

It’s super frustrating because the Front Door multi still “works” (and by works I mean that it shows status, but fires multiple open/close events even where there is only one), but now I’m down a sensor.

Here is my hub info:

  • Firmware Version: 000.011.00705
  • Hardware Version: hub v1, US customer
  • hardwareID: 0001
  • zigbeeChannel: 14
  • zigbeeFirmware: 1.5.4
  • zigbeeNodeID: 0000
  • zigbeePanID: F3EE
  • zigbeePowerLevel: 254
  • zwaveHomeID: E5306600
  • zwaveNodeID: 01
  • zwavePowerLevel: 00
  • zwaveSerialVersion: 0
  • zwaveVersion: 0


Sorry to hear of the trouble…

Do you have a Philips Hue Bridge and / or Hue light bulbs?

The only messages you’re seeing in the Live Logging are coming from the a Hue (Connect) Device, which shouldn’t have anything to do with your SmartSense Multi (which, in fact, probably doesn’t send many Live Logging messages…). I’ve got Live Logging on and I’ll see how long it takes to get a message from a Smart Sense, to see it’s format. I’ve only ever noticed state change events (temperature, activity, open/close).

I definitely recommend contacting as they will be able to recommend some steps and check the logs and device data in more detail to see if there’s some virtual wires crossed.

As a wild guess, there is a slight chance database corruption that is mapping the Multi to the Hue: But I think that is pretty unlikely. Love to find out what happened though, and might still be able to help. Keep me posted?

…CP / Terry.

Hey … just got some messages from one of my SmartSense Multi’s in my Live Logging, just for reference, they look like this… right?

8730a18a-df52-4fbd-8fde-81ffe800645d 12:32:42 AM: debug Parse returned [Rodent Tilt Trap was opened, Rodent Tilt Trap was inactive, Rodent Tilt Trap was 63°F, Rodent Tilt Trap Battery was 63%, Rodent Tilt Trap was -56 dBm, Rodent Tilt Trap Signal (LQI) was: 100%]
907ab32b-141b-4391-aa2e-7274fa9ef735 12:31:00 AM: debug [name:battery, unit:%, value:100]
907ab32b-141b-4391-aa2e-7274fa9ef735 12:31:00 AM: debug Parse returned [name:battery, unit:%, value:100, isStateChange:false, displayed:false, linkText:Aeon HEM v1 v2DH, descriptionText:Aeon HEM v1 v2DH battery is 100%]
907ab32b-141b-4391-aa2e-7274fa9ef735 12:31:00 AM: debug [name:battery, unit:%, value:100]
8730a18a-df52-4fbd-8fde-81ffe800645d 12:30:13 AM: debug Parse returned [Rodent Tilt Trap was opened, Rodent Tilt Trap was inactive, Rodent Tilt Trap was 63°F, Rodent Tilt Trap Battery was 63%, Rodent Tilt Trap was -56 dBm, Rodent Tilt Trap Signal (LQI) was: 99%]


That’s right. Here is a Multi that the hub knows about:

8779e7eb-ddf7-46f5-862f-c0fd73cead1e 10:07:18 PM: debug Parse returned [Front Door was closed, Front Door was inactive, Front Door was 67°F, Front Door Battery was 50%, Front Door was -43 dBm, Front Door Signal (LQI) was: 100%]

Guess I’ll write support tomorrow…