TRADFRI Signal Repeater

Hi folks

I have recently bought TRADFRI signal repeater in order to strengthen my Zigbee network. Device added successfully but it’s not showing as repeater.
I tried healing procedures by turning off the hub for 30 minutes and then turning on again, but still no luck as devices located away of the hub and nearby the repeater is still showing the hub as their parent. See below pic for details and please advice.

Pic showing that TRADFRI repeater is not showing as repeater

Pic showing info of the TRADFRI repeater

Pic showing example of a device showing the hub as parent while it’s far away of the hub and nearby the repeater

The ‘parent device’ for a Zigbee device in SmartThings is the hub that it is paired with.

It has nothing to do with the route between the end device and the hub, which can and does change.

Although the ‘Zigbee Graph’ you are viewing is apparently intended to identify whether a device is a repeater and to display a recent route to the hub, it has never actually done so. It might conceivably do so if the user has more security privileges but if that were the case it would be more typical to return an error without them. At the time it was added to the API Browser+ it seemed reasonable to think that it would start working one day. It didn’t.

Here is what the source data looks like. The entry for every device on the hub is the same.

            "deviceId": "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee",
            "repeater": false,
            "route": [
                    "type": "UNKNOWN_ROUTE"
            "connectionQuality": 5,
            "updatedTime": "2025-01-06T19:24:47.407187983Z"

Thank you for the reply 🫶🏻

What is the best way to find the route of specific device? Known the answer indeed will help me in making my Zigbee network stronger.

The best way would be for ST to add the functionality to the Advanced Web App. The information is freely available if you know where to look (at least for ZigBee, I don’t have a Z-Wave device to test), but where you have to look isn’t really intended for direct access by end users and may also not be intended for prime time, though I suspect the mobile apps use it.

thanks for your replay again, But the advance web app doesn’t show the parent of each device. I even looked at the information in postman and real parent isn’t showing. So still I’m trying to find a way around to look for the signee graph.