TP-Link Tapo P110

Hello @nayelyz
I bought a Tapo P110 outlet with energy metering.

In the “Explore” tab, in the “Easily Save Energy” sector, this model appears as being compatible…

But inside the device does not show the energy consumption is it anyway?
Can I only see consumption in the Energy app?


Hi, @Helder_Rodrigues
I checked the profile used by this device and indeed, the only capability that will appear in the Detail View is “Switch”.
The one that saves the information on the power consumption is “powerConsumptionReport” but it doesn’t have a presentation, which indicates how it should be shown in the app (Detail, Routine, and Dashboard view).

You could check in the Advanced Users’ app > Devices if the value of its attribute is shown there. I see the attribute (“powerConsumption”) is a compound of several properties, so, I don’t know if it will be presented correctly there.
However, you should be able to see the current value in JSON format if you use the SmartThings CLI with the command below:

smartthings devices:status deviceID -j

Please, let me know if you have any questions.

Hello again

This is what appears!

the full text

Do you think it’s possible for you to make it appear like it does on other devices?

What do you mean by “like it does on other devices”?
For example:

  1. Are you referring to the other capabilities that are called “powerMeter” or “energyMeter” where you can see the current measurement?
  2. You want to see that value shown in the detail view as other capabilities appear like “switch”

In both cases, it would be difficult to do so:

  1. If you’re referring to adding another capability to the integration, the task would correspond to the partner (TP-Link). Do you see if this device is controlled by a driver or if it has a type of “VIPER” in the Advanced Users’ app?
  2. In this second case, it depends on the engineering team because they have to develop the presentation and decide how to display that data in the app (detail view of the device). But, it depends on the purpose they have given to this capability (internal data/display data)

I’m talking about something like that!

What appears in the device settings is this!

Do you think it’s possible?

Thanks for the screen capture of the details. As it is typed “VIPER”, it corresponds to a Cloud-Connected integration.
This means only TP-Link can make the change, if it was a Zigbee or Z-Wave device, you could have made your own integration (assuming the device supported those measurements).
As that’s not the case, for you to get more information about whether it’s possible to add those capabilities to this device, you need to contact the support team of TP-Link and ask for that feature.

Thanks me for the help :grinning:

Yes, I’ll try… I don’t miss anything either! :grinning:

@Helder_Rodrigues, were you able to get this working, to display energy information within SmartThings for the Tapo P110 plug, maybe through Edge drivers?

I have it working with a Kasa KP115 plug, but seems the Tapo P110 is easier (and cheaper) to get hold of, however, there doesn’t seem to be any edge drivers (for Tapo P110) that display the energy information inside of SmartThings, which is what I need for a routine.

Both Tapo and Kasa are owned by TP-Link.