Too many strange abnormal disconnections

That must be because when device unistalled you have disabled secure rejoint mode on the hub.

How you uninstall devices from IDE or app?

Once you have uninstalled all the devices that use the unknown repeater ???, turn off the hub for about 10 minutes, if it is a v2 hub, remove the battery too.

When you connect it, check that you do not have the unknown device??? on your network before adding devices again.

Hopefully you get lucky and it fixes it.

Did you check the wifi channel of the router and the zigbee channel of the hub?

Here is a @nathancu post with link to explaining this

@Mariano_Colmenarejo If you talk about the fact that I see them as a “thing” this is normal because the Vimar are not directly recognized, I have to change the DH from IDE. This has always been the case for everyone.

I deleted the devices a bit from the App and a bit from the IDE.
I had deleted all devices that used an unknown repeater. After that I reappeared on my own. you advise me to delete them e Then turn off hub for 10 minutes?

I don’t know which channel uses WiFi because I use Google wifi and set the channels automatically. The zigbee channel I use is 20.

Another thing, Now that I have deleted all the Vimar, the other devices were all connected and all without “road unknown”. After half an hour, a device has disconnected and has unknown road problems.

Now after 3 hours it is still disconnected. Do you advise me to delete it?

The unknown device (7734) must be a device with an edge drive, they show up like this in IDE.

Do you know what device it is?

Unfortunately Unfortunately not :man_shrugging:t2:.
None of the devices visible in the ide have that number. Could it be the last vimar with DH deleted? Or if it was deleted it should appear without a number but with the 3 question marks"???"

Do you have any device paired with edge driver?

If you physically turn on the switch that is offline, does it go online?

The only way I know of to force the zigbee network to rebuild is to turn off the hub for about 10 minutes and remove the battery if it’s a v2 hub.
Have you ever done it?

To unistall devices I always prefer to remove from the app, never from the IDE

20+ minutes. Otherwise, correct…


Yes, aqara motion sensors and aqara Window sensors with 2 different edge drives.

I can try tonight when I get home. And they turn it off again the hub for 20 minutes also removing the batteries. I have a v2 but if I take off the power, after a while I get the notification of offline hub, so I think the batteries are low. To be sure I will do it again.

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The ‘offline’ could just be a consequence of changing the device type on the fly. You may have missed out on a configuration phase that tells the switch to report regularly.

You could ‘Edit’ the device in the IDE, add a couple of characters to the device name, and ‘Update’ it. That will often put the device back online temporarily. If it does see if it responds to the app for a while.

You could also try pairing it again without deleting it first to see if that helps with anything.

You really ought to take a copy of the stock handler and add the Vimar fingerprints to it instead. Then you could just use the device normally instead of fighting the IDE.

The Unknown Device (7734) does look like exactly like a device being controlled by an Edge driver would. Whatever it is, it doesn’t seem to be hurting your connectivity.

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Yes! Changed the name is now back online and works fine from the App!

Thank you for your interest. I did not understand this part of the message well :roll_eyes:

@Mariano_Colmenarejo All device zigbee vimar switch now reconnected themselves, as I said before. I didn’t understand when I come back if I have to delete them before turning off the hub for 20 minutes

I would put the correct DTH on them and if there is still a ghost device, after they are all with their DTH I would turn off the hub to rebuild the network

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My concern was that when you install something as a ‘thing’ and change the Device Type you might miss out on some configuration. So ideally you want the correct device handler from the start. That means either getting the standard device handler modified or installing your own.

I am not convinced you won’t still get problems. You looked like you had genuine routing problems in other devices.

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I put the correct DH “zigbee switch” On all 12 vimar devices. Even before changing the DH I saw this situation: some correctly connected to the hub, some without a road, and some already with unknown road and the "???

Now what to do? Do I turn off the hub and delete the devices with the wrong path? :thinking: And then I turn on after 20 minutes?

Clear, but these newly connected vimars appear as “things” to everyone. What do you think I should do to fix it?

I think have some reason @orangebucket if you have 12 devices, it is worth modifying the DTH by adding the fingerprint and pairing them correctly and they perform the device configuration when installed.

If you have a working edge driver for theses devices, pair with the driver directly, since you have to uninstall them.

I have everything edge driver, except a triple strip and everything works very well

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Ok… Try for test, install your drive, delete all devices with "Road unknow ??? " and reinstall them with your edge drive at this point. Which one do you recommend? I was thinking your Zigbee Switch Mc

I use that one, but at any time you can change to another one that has your fingerprints

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Crazy, I still have to start deleting the devices and I already notice from the ide, that all the devices that were previously without a road, now have "unknown route??? " e Of the 4 correctly connected to the hub, 1 already does not respond to commands from the App :man_shrugging:t2:.

Edit: after power off hub and restart, all the Vimar They remain with “unknown route”

Now I delete them all from apps and try with edge. But after c is n edge I will not be able to verify the route from IDE. How will I do it?

Edit2: After deleting all Vimar with unknown route, have reappeared automatically, via drive edge, only 3 are still missing. I keep you updated

If you want to see the devices messages you will have to install the CLI and monitoring the driver you will see every 5 minutes the status of each device connected to the driver, with the RSSI intensity and LQI quality of the received signal, but you will not be able to know if it arrives directly to the hub or through of a repeater

Also every time you refresh the device in the app, by swiping down your finger in the details view, you will see information about that device in the CLI.

Situation and disastrous this morning when I woke up. 6 out of 12 vimar disconnected. Some DH and some edge.