I am currently using a couple Thirdreality Leak Sensors around my house without too much issues.
I would like to know if someone is aware of a driver that is compatible with theses sensors, to use them as a simple On/Off switch and getting rid of the Leak Notifications alarms each time they are sensing a leak , or each time they are going offline .
Im looking to turn one of theses sensors into a Rain Detector for my Sprinkler Systems , controlled using Smartthings . I dont want to receive Notification each time rain is detected or if the sensors goes offline in the middle of the night .
@Mariano_Colmenarejo Im currently using your Zigbee Moisture Sensor MC , maybe you can help me with this . Thanks !!
That’s what I did for know , but it still appears as a Leak Sensor under smartthings . I was just wondering if there is a simple driver compatible with a thirdreality leak sensor that could make it work like a contact switch or button . Removing the Notifications will do the job for now … but im a little bit of a perfectionist. Thanks for your answer , very appreciated.
Modifying the driver would require several changes, a new profile, preferences to optionally change the profile and new code to handle it.
I think the easiest way is to create a virtual switch device and sync it with 2 routines, one to turn on when wet and another to turn off when dry or vice versa.
Thanks for your answer !
I wasn’t thinking of making you create a new driver, I was more thinking that you might have something hidden in the back pocket that would be able to do the job. I’ll live with the way I’ve set things up now, it works and that’s the most important thing at the end.