The newest gocontrol Z wave model costs even less, and is being used by a number of community members, although it’s not on the official compatibility list yet;
Setting: I’ve recently purchased and have been testing a GoControl Z-Wave Thermostat GC-TBZ48, replacing my old CT100. Both are made by Nortek. The thermostats are/were wired into an Amana Air PTAC Unit, model number: PTH073B35AJ. Compared to the CT100, the GC-TBZ48 is leaps and bounds better when it comes to ease of use, controls, and functionality as a whole.
Problem: In the first month of using the GC, no issues occurred. Then, for the last 3 weeks or so, the PTAC has lost power once every week or so, also causing the thermostat to shut completely off as it gets power from the PTAC. After talking to Amana support, they said the problem could be a number of things, including the thermostat, the wiring, the PTAC and the power cord.
Request: In efforts to skip lengthly testing to fi…