The End of Groovy Has Arrived

Yes, I tried that driver but there were no additional options.

From what I understand, if it’s a Schlage 468 or 469 lock, then you need to load the Z-Wave Lock PH Beta driver not the Z-Wave Lock PH v1.00 driver for the additional features.

1.00 has the additional lock settings. The beta version fixed a bug in the default lock handler that caused the lock code names to be reset. It also added and exposed the unlockCodeName attribute.

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Has anyone had their zwave go control garage door controller migrate yet?

Yes, two of them quite some time ago.

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Arghh… Now I need to open ANOTHER ticket with Samsung.

No need to open another ticket because another member’s device was migrated before yours. There is no set schedule that devices of a particular brand are migrated at the same time for everyone.


OK. So the wait game continues.

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Yes. In fact it was perhaps the very first migration that happened automatically a while back. The name of the edge driver is z wave garage door opener. Developer is listed as smart things. Version is 2023-01-17T21:46:54.400442271.

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Yep. I’m betting they’ll announce another extension to the planned end of first party driver migrations. Churn in the beta firmware releases makes me think most of their attention is there rather than on driver migration.

I’ve got a dozen devices not yet migrated. Almost all of them are additional instances of make/models I have which were migrated before Christmas.

Me too, one of my first back in November I believe. Still has the old Rboy driver issue of every once in awhile it shows opening and is stuck like that until I open and close it.

Does someone here tried to contact smartthings support regarding a device not working properly after migration?

It’s been almost 2 weeks now and never heard back from them…

If you ask in the forum, other Community members may be able to help or offer advice. You will probably get it resolved quicker in the forum :slight_smile:

what device - brand/model? what Edge driver was it migrated to?


They are smart plug
1 from aeotec smart switch 6
1 is a generic brand

aotec was migrated to aoetec smart switch 6 (advanced options)
the other was migrated to z-wave switch

also tried to z-wave switch mc from mariano

nothing in the event, when I click to turn it on/off, it seem to do nothing and kind of timeout after I while
I used a driver named virtual momentary switch to test, it seem to turn on the device and turn it off after a couple of second. This driver is working for them, but it’s not what I want


anyone got some tips for me ?

Just the standard advice for re-pairing a Zwave device:

  1. Do a zwave exclude from the device, then delete the device using the app
  2. Go into the SmartThings IDE, delete it from there if it still shows up
  3. If there is a custom DTH there, delete it.

There should now be no trace of the device in the SmartThings system

  1. Do a factory reset on the device
  2. Pair the device with the SmartThings app

Hopefully when you pair the device with the app it will pick up the correct stock driver


Any reason for this advice? “By brand” seems superior to “Scan for nearby devices” for zwave/zigbee. It lets you turn on discovery for just one radio without also triggering the discovery function of any LAN drivers.

4 days to go and about 35 devices left. Wonder if they will stick with the revised, revised, revised date and just pull the plug on the 31st. April fool’s!

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It might be a revised, revised, revised date but it was still announced on 21st September last year, in the broadest of terms (Q1 of 2023), ten days before the nominal start date of the whole process. As the device I am waiting for hasn’t been ported yet they certainly won’t literally make the deadline but I don’t think they will be all that far off the spirit of it.

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I really don’t care if they hit the deadline. My stuff is all working, and as long as it is, they can take their time.