Text-to-Speech is back!

TTS seems to work brilliantly now - weather forecast for today, tonight and tomorrow work really well. Custom messages work just as well - well done guys :smile:

Have noticed that the resume ‘currently playing music after…’ option doesn’t appear to work though - sometimes my Sonos playlist vanishes entirely and other times it reverts to the previous playlist. Anyone else noticing this?

No speaker notify with sound option in UK :frowning:

I’ll check with the right people to have this added back in

On the different inflection front. Our priority is localization first. Then I’ll work on getting the inflection part done

Cheers Tim

Managed to get a work round by going to Things > Speakers > Sonos > Top Smart Apps as then the SmartThings Labs app is there to use custom messages.

What I’m really hoping is @bravenel has plans to integrate into Rule Machine at some point :wink:

@slagle Are there any plans of making the Speaker Notification app a child app under a parent. That way all speaker nitifications are grouped. This would have been a good opportunity to do that dont you think?


It’s done as of a day or so ago, just waiting for him to release it.

I can’t find this anywhere

Awesome news! Thnx, this is why i got ST in the first place. Any plans on making weather forecast available for the Netherlands (or just my dutch zipcode?) LOL

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I also have a R5 360 and I can’t get it to work. Installed ‘Speaker Notify With Sound’. I see in live logging that I get the temperature information but it doesnt play on the R5. Tried to launch it manually, click done again, nothing. I live in Canada, but I get the right information on live logging, so I don’t think it’s the issue.

Any ideas?

Outstanding, as always gentlemen.

It now works. I tried every settings, launch manually, tried witch some triggers, set a alternate volume, etc. I don’t know, but something is strange. I will check with Rule Machine if it’s easier.

For those interesting in beta testing the parent/child version of the Talking Alarm Clock, watch this space as I have a new version planned by the end of next week. If everyone likes it I will submit it to replace the version shipping with SmartThings.


Try the latest beta release of BigTalker (1.1.4-Beta8). It now supports Weather Forecasts from customized locations.

GitHub code: https://github.com/rayzurbock/SmartThings-BigTalker/tree/1.1.4-Beta

Community Post: [OBSOLETE 1.1.6 5/25/16] Big Talker - Talk when events occur - #187 by rayzurbock


Hi all,

I am a UK hub 2.0 customer and I am resided in Greece.
Just wondering: Can the TTS be in Greek language? Also, can we use the TTS offline?

Thanks a lot

Currently the “Resume music after notification” option does not seem to be wotking. Is there any other way to make it work? @rayzurbock Does big talker support this?

Same thing here, I can’t get “resume play” to work!

Awesome thnx! I’ll check it out asap.

It is my understanding that SmartThings Sonos support is pretty much a hack job at the moment until Sonos releases an official API.

I do not have a Sonos to test with however, @greg has helped me tremendously debugging Sonos with BigTalker. I believe he would tell you that Yes, resume using BigTalker does work, somewhat. It works in the fact that after it has been playing music for a minute and a notification comes through the notification will interrupt, adjust the volume to your desired notification level, play, adjust the volume back to what it was and then “resume” playing by starting the last song over again.


I was experiencing the same issue, however it was because even though the track was playing, this status hadn’t made its way back into ST. there was a large delay in this coming in. I have added my sonos’s into Polster with a refresh of 1 minute, this makes it work far more reliably as long as you understand it has a maximum latency of 1 minute when you test.

as long as the status on you ST is showing as playing then it will resume