Tapestry THPZ1 Zigbee Presence Sensor—Help Needed


Yes, it shows temperature and humidity.

But in the status information bar it does not show temperature reading, only shows humidity reading.

These are the attributes of the smartthings hub website.

It does seem like the device is working properly, if it’s correctly transmitting the occupancy state and measured temperature and humidity to smart things. Perhaps someone with more experience with the app can comment since this is not my primary setup, but this seems to me to be a settings/configuration issue or bug (“feature” maybe?) with the smart things app.

As far as your first point here, I agree with the note that it is likely because the capability is set as an occupancy sensor, not a presence sensor. I believe this is correct, as the way the developer documentation is worded implies that a presence sensor detects that the sensor device itself is present (why you would want this, I do not know) whereas an occupancy sensor determines the occupancy status of a room.

You can check from Mini Tile Settings if your Presence Sensor temperature measurement is in selection list.

Open Mini Tile Settings

Select Temperature

In list you can see all temperature measurements that can be selected to Mini Tile Temperature calculation.

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My intention was that, in addition to its normal detection/occupancy capabilities, it would work with the Samsung Home Monitor (SHM) security system. So that it could detect an intrusion. But I understand your explanation regarding the limitation of production Capabilities maintained by SmartThings.

Yes, I had already checked that section. That is the only temperature sensor I have and it doesn’t even show me the temperature tab, it’s as if there was no temperature sensor for the Samsung mini title panel.

I don’t know if it would be too much trouble to ask @Mariano_Colmenarejo to review the code or if there could be a solution.

You can use this solution

Thank you for the information.

Sorry, I can’t do anything to fix that.

Smartthings could, if they wanted to.

App chooses which devices to show based on the device profile category instead of giving the option to show all devices that have the temperature capability in their profile.

If I change the profile to a category that shows the temperature tile it would stop showing as a presence device and other things would stop working.


I understand, thanks for the explanation. I will try to contact the ST department to see if in the future they can add that parameter.

Thank you