Synology Diskstation & Cameras

Hey Swanny! This is one sweeeeet app, you’re an absolute legend for making this.

I am guessing I must have stuffed something somewhere along the way, because for some reason I cant get the snapshots to work. The record button seems to work fine, I end up with a recording saved on my Diskstation, not sure if those recordings are supposed to be visible in the ST App as well? I’m not too fazed about that, snapshots would be perfect if I could just get it working. Here’s what’s happening in Live Logging. (The massive amount of underscores seems suspicious to me but I’m no programmer lol…) I did read through this thread and attempt to troubleshoot my issues before asking, but I’ve had no luck.

16:40:16: debug take command is: GET /webapi/_______________________________________________________entry.cgi?api=SYNO.SurveillanceStation.Camera&method=GetSnapshot&version=1&_sid=KwpaDzDJGAolnB3J7M03226&cameraId=4 HTTP/1.1
Accept: image/jpeg

16:40:16: trace sending GetSnapshot
16:40:16: trace take picture from camera 4 default stream