Reolink IP Cameras

Anyone using Reolink IP cameras with SmartThings?


How are you liking them in general? I’ve wanted to pick up a few to test out. I’ve been looking at a good alternative to my drop cams as I’m sick of the monthly cost.

I kind of put the cart before the horse on this one and ordered the cameras before making sure they integrate with SmartThings. I haven’t received them yet, hopefully here in a couple of days. They had great reviews on several sites. I’ll let you know.

Hey were you able to test out the reolink cameras? I just ordered the RCL-410 with the NVR. Hopefully I can look into creating some sort of integration with Smartthings ecosystem.

How is the quality of the cameras?


Unfortunately they are still sitting in the box. I got sick for about a
week and then work has been crazy busy. I hope to have them up soon. We’ll

I’ve been using a Reolink NVR system for since early January but have only had my SmartThings Hub for a week now so I’m still very green. All my Reolink cameras are exterior and I already receive 30 second videos via email whenever motion detection is set off plus notifications from the Reolink app anyway, so I’m still trying to figure out an adequate use case for attempting to integrate them into ST, let alone how to connect the two together. I figure once I get a bit more comfortable with ST, I can try digging deeper.

I have run into the same problem. I am doing constant recording on a
Synology disk station and get motion notifications directly from the
cameras. So for now I don’t really need ST integration. Where ST would come
in is if you wanted some action (light turned, recording to start, etc) if
there was motion, etc.

Any further success with this? Is there any sort of working integration?

Would love to see some integration as well. I have the Reolink 410’s with an NVR and would love to get the camera’s at least integrated in with ST.

No info for native incorporation, but I use my reolink cameras with Blue Iris and using the directions on the forum I am able to trigger motion action with them

Can you forward a link to the device handler and app that you are using?

So im dont have to use any device handler, I just interact with the blue iris serve via HTML tags. I use the smartapp here
And that sends a trigger to blue iris based on smart things events.

For the opposite direction I use HTTP Motion Endpoint from KristopherKubicki which will allow me to trigger smartthings from blue iris. The writeup for that is in this thread:

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Thanks. I will check those out. I pinged Reolink about sharing any documented API that they have for the NVR and camera’s…will see what they say.

If anyone wants to work on a device handler…here are the commands:

Reolink CGI Command v1.61:

rtmp://(ip address)/bcs/channel0_(streamtype).bcs?channel=0&stream=0&user=(user name)&password=(user password)

rtsp://(user name):(password)@(ip address):554//h264Preview_01_(streamtype)

Snap URL:
http://(ip address)/cgi-bin/api.cgi?cmd=Snap&channel=0&rs=(any combination of numbers and letters)&user=(user name) &password=(user password)
(Every time you refresh the website it will snap a new picture)

rtmp://(ip address)/vod/(file name)?&channel=0&stream=0&user=(user
name)&password=(user password)

For searching the playback file name:
1. Open the Google Advanced REST client(, input
http://(ip address)/cgi-bin/api.cgi?cmd=Search&rs=(any combination of
numbers and letters) &user=(user name)&password=(user password) in

2. Choose Post as method and type the below codes in Raw payload: (Change the “year”,”mon”,”day” to the date you want.)

"Search": {
"channel": 0,
"onlyStatus": 0,
"streamType": " main ",
"StartTime": {
"year": 2016 ,
"mon": 5 ,
"day": 1 ,
"hour": 0 ,
"min": 0 ,
"sec": 0
"EndTime": {
"year": 2016 ,
"mon": 5 ,
"day": 12 ,
"hour": 23 ,
"min": 59 ,
"sec": 59

3. Click SEND and the name of the playback files will show in below. Copy and Paste the file name in “rtmp://(ip address)/vod/(file name)?&channel=0&stream=0&user= (user name) &password=(user password)” and play the recordings in JWplayer.

Preview URL:

Snap URL:

Web: Support:

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Any update on a potential Reolink handler?

This would be nice.
I just installed my first poe camera and chose the Reolink. Foscam did not have anything close in the same price range and figured the integration was not necessary for me.

However, I would like to see this camera in action tiles.
Any idea how to do this? I cannot seem to find how to get media tile to work using http streaming?
I have Reolink 410C.

I have my Hikvision cameras in action tiles. You need your stream path. Seems to be different among manufacturers.

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I asked their tech support and was told they do not have option to stream via url with any command.

Hi, I’ve got a couple of Reolinks - 422 and 410 - and have smart things integration working for them both … specifically I can view the video streams but havent tried anything more sophisticated than that

I use the “Generic Video Camera” dth by Patrick Stuart

the link is

the video URL format is rtsp://username:password@IPADDRESS:554//h264Preview_01_main

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