Hi, I am looking to control a low wattage outside light and was planning on getting a Fibaro single switch 2 module to do this. However, i can’t figure out if it is supported by Smartthings via a standard device handler and I don’t see any custom handlers on here so can anyone confirm please? Am I better off going for a single relay switch instead?
Cheers! It makes for a nice looking light as well as making the number obvious hmm interesting. I was ok doing the wiring for the single/relay/dimmer but I’ll have to look into this bypass now…because the light was recently installed there is actually neutral at the switch, unlike every other switch in the house.
What about a relay? Would that need a bypass? With the single or relay modules would there be no support via standard device handlers? Or are we saying there would be but just to turn it on and off remotely? The ability to say turn on at dusk and off at dawn would only be possible via custom handlers…?
Ah ok. At the moment I do feel more comfortable with the single relay option but I need to read about the bypass first… And your point about using the dimmer 2 wherever possible makes a lot of sense.
On a slightly separate note, I’m planning use the dimmer 2 in the living room where there are 14 led downlights each with a 5.7w dimmable bulb. From all the info I’ve seen on the dimmer 2 that load should be perfectly fine for the module to handle right?
Yea, there’s a fancy formula on vesternet to work out minimum and maximum load for dimmer 2 based on power factor of leds but I have no idea what power factor of mine is, will try funding out but I suppose I could try the dimmer 2 without bypass and if i get any flickering I know I might need the bypass. I won’t damage the dimmer 2 would I?