Sunset stopped working recently - confirmed issue


My porch light stopped turning on recently, and after some experimentation realized that the sunset setting wasn’t working.

Contacted support & they confirmed it’s an issue:

Feb 24, 8:33 AM

Sorry about that. We’ve recently run into an issue like the one you’re describing. Basically, Sunrise and/or Sunset events stop reporting, and anything scheduled by sunrise or sunset events will fail to trigger. We’re working on a fix asap, so I’ll update you as soon as things are working again.

For now I set it to just turn on at 6pm which works fine. Will let folks know when I get an update.

=- Michael

I’ve been having the same issue for about a week. Anything I’ve scheduled with sunrise and/or sunset isn’t executing. I contacted support and was given the same response that they are working on it…

This is an ancient redundant issue (November).

Please check the Status web page…

This is a known problem. See the official status page. It affects both custom code and standard hello home actions.

Different things have had some success for different people. Search the forums for sunset and you’ll find lots of discussion.

I still can’t understand why “sunset” or “sunrise” is such a peak time. Each of them is over a 4 hour period!


Up until about a week ago, sunrise and sunset schedules worked flawlessly for me, so from my perspective it is neither ancient nor redundant. Rather it is recent and very frustrating.

Understood, sorry…

I guess we just need a “Commiserate” Category and/or hashtag, as there’s unfortunately no value in having yet another additional Topic on this problem: There are already a dozen (please see the Search :mag: feature), including…



Ditto, had been working just fine and all along. Never had a problem, so it’s recent issue. But thanks for that status link ;p

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Mine, like many people’s had been working just fine until last week, then broke. I searched the forums for sunset and found a solution that worked for me. (I was also working with support, but the forum fix worked first.)

This sunset problem has been happening to different people at different times, the point is when there’s a note on the status page there are often multiple existing topics that may help if it does get you.

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I’ve been having a curious problem with sunrise also. I have a few triggers on sunset / sunrise which mostly seems to work. The one that stopped working a week or two ago, is my smart nightlight, which is triggered on motion. It started coming on during daytime, whereas previously I it only came on during the dark hours (after sunset to before sunrise).

Whenever I noticed it come on during the day, I would go to the settings of the smart app and just click done. It then seems to fix itself. I tried various suggestions with offsets, uninstalling and re-installing, but nothing fixed it permanently. The next morning it would be back to not working, i.e. light coming on when it’s light.

I looked at the code, and I can’t really see how an issue with sunrise / sunset not firing will affect it the way that it does. The code sets the sunrise / sunset time in state variables when it initializes and also subscribes to sunrise / sunset changes. However, if those events don’t fire, the state should still be set to yesterday’s values, which should be off by a minute or two. So either the actual sunrise / sunset calculations are wrong and the state gets overwritten with garbage values, or the state itself gets corrupted.

In any case, it’s a bit of annoyance and I hope it gets fixed soon.

I’ve not had this level of trouble. I’m not using the sunrise and sunset events from the platform. Once a day, during the day, I use the getSunriseAndSunset() method to get the current times and then schedule the handlers. I’ve had 2 isolated failures in the last several weeks - not acceptable but certainly not the same as what’s being reported in this thread. FWIW

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Just got the following from the support team (they are super responsive), will set it right now to see if it works:

“Just checking back in – we’ve made major improvements to our Sunrise/Sunset scheduling, so I wanted to make sure it was working for you. Can you confirm that your Sunrise/Sunset based events are working again?”

BTW, this is now all working for me. RESOLVED.

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That’s great to hear!
