Hi people.
In the last month I tried to pair a new Sonoff ZBMini L2 switch. Previous attempts with my first 2 ones were sharp, in 6 month only one of them dropped, a power off-on solved the issue. the last attempt was a pain, when I pick eh device in the app, the app crashed, I tried in 2 different mobiles (iOS and Android), same result. I discovered that sometimes app ask for the hub to be paired and others do not (what the heck !!!). When ask for the hub I noticed a warning icon, that said “The hub is almost full of memory, if theres no memory you cannot add more device”. But I have only 90 virtual and physical devices, only 8 Edge Drivers (I deleted a lot of Edge Drivers I never installed like Sonos, Samsung X, and others…). One longshot the app did not ask for the hub, search for a device and pair the switch, started to work few times, but at the next days it was disconnected.
App still displayed that hub is almost out of memory, Then I decided to sacrifice one of my Edge Drivers and tried again, tha app never ask for a hub and pair was sharp but switch never worked, at the next day it was disconnected again
Same struggling for a new Innr Zigbe bulb. I struggled at the begining to pair it, after I deleted one of my Edge Drivers I can paired it, On / Off worked sometimes yes sometimes no, but I never could dimmer it. After a couple of days, it disconnected. Is Smatrthings a crap now?
Thanks in advance for all your advices.