Struggling pair Zigbee Devices

Hi people.
In the last month I tried to pair a new Sonoff ZBMini L2 switch. Previous attempts with my first 2 ones were sharp, in 6 month only one of them dropped, a power off-on solved the issue. the last attempt was a pain, when I pick eh device in the app, the app crashed, I tried in 2 different mobiles (iOS and Android), same result. I discovered that sometimes app ask for the hub to be paired and others do not (what the heck !!!). When ask for the hub I noticed a warning icon, that said “The hub is almost full of memory, if theres no memory you cannot add more device”. But I have only 90 virtual and physical devices, only 8 Edge Drivers (I deleted a lot of Edge Drivers I never installed like Sonos, Samsung X, and others…). One longshot the app did not ask for the hub, search for a device and pair the switch, started to work few times, but at the next days it was disconnected.
App still displayed that hub is almost out of memory, Then I decided to sacrifice one of my Edge Drivers and tried again, tha app never ask for a hub and pair was sharp but switch never worked, at the next day it was disconnected again :confounded:
Same struggling for a new Innr Zigbe bulb. I struggled at the begining to pair it, after I deleted one of my Edge Drivers I can paired it, On / Off worked sometimes yes sometimes no, but I never could dimmer it. After a couple of days, it disconnected. Is Smatrthings a crap now?

Thanks in advance for all your advices.

If you are getting the memory warnings, you’re going to have problems adding more devices. That’s what the warnings are telling you. :thinking:

You can check the memory status at the official advanced page of the web app:

Stock edge drivers like Sonos are automatically added by SmartThings. Even if you delete them, they will come back in about an hour or so. So there’s no point in deleting those. But if you aren’t using those devices, they also shouldn’t be affecting your memory use.

The ones you would need to delete our custom edge drivers you might have added, including any diagnostic drivers like Mariano’s “Zigbee thing mc.”

But it may be that the only thing you can do is contact support directly. These issues can be hard to diagnose without tools that they have that we as customers don’t. :thinking:

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Thanks my friend !, I just checked Memory “Memory Drive Status of my Hub” and its Okey, I wonder why I am full of Memory now if its supposed the limit is 200 devices, and there are people with more than 20 Edge Drivers installed, I just have 7 of them, any idea ? Thanks for all your advice… I need to add another 3 new Zooz Switches to my daughters rooms (use Edge Driver I have installed yet)…