There seems to be a limitation on character count for the top level domain of the URL configured when setting up a Cloud Connector SmartThings Schema WebHook Endpoint in the Developer Workspace. I am trying to use my domain that ends in “.solutions” as a URL, but it throws input validation error “Please enter a valid HTTPS URL.” I tested with random characters and the validation will take any combination as long as the TLD is 6 characters or less.
This is preventing me from developing using my existing registered domain. Hopefully this validation criteria is something that the ST back-end server developers can easily update to accept longer TLDs.
Hi, @Freeblazin, I can see what you mean. I was able to enter something like:
But this was rejected:
So, I’ll check with the engineering team this situation. Once I get more info, I’ll let you know.
In the meantime, while you develop your integration, you can use:
I just made some tests to change this value from the API (SchemaApps endpoint) and it seems it was effective, can you help me verify this, please?
The request is to; the AppID is found in the Developer Workspace, it starts with “viper_...”.
The body of the request would be: