ST Day/Night Temperature Routines

I am attempting to setup a day and nighttime routine in the ST app to control the temp on my Honeywell T6 Pro Z-Wave Thermostat. While I am able to manually adjust the temp up/down, set cooling/heating mode, etc. in the ST app, the routine automations are not working. For example, I want the thermostat to be 75 degrees 7:45 pm to 5 am and 76 degrees 5:01 am to 7:44 pm. Does anyone have any recommendations?

Your routine is set up with the trigger “Home” during a timeframe. This will only fire if the hub changes from some other mode to Home. You appear to want to trigger it based on time, not your location, so I would change the triggers.

Trigger: Time: At 7:45pm (5:00am for the other)
Precondition: Location Mode Home

Depending on where you live, you may want to add a precondition that the mode is already Cool. That way, in the winter, when you want heat, it won’t trigger the AC.

The “Then” statements look fine.


The usual issue is that the ‘time period’ is just a precondition so the Routine will only be triggered if the Location Mode changes to Home during that period. You need it to also run at the start of the time period if the Location Mode is already Home.

If you edit the time period you should see an option to ‘Run at start time’. That’ll do the job for you.

You’ll still have to make other arrangements for when you aren’t Home.


Hi, I just got one of these thermostats as I am hoping it has more reliable Z Wave connection than the 8320ZW does.
I am only controlling heating and am not concerned about Home/Away function. I just set the time for the thermostat to change heating set point. I didn’t specify a range of time. I have four of these routines for day, evening, night and early morning warm up. I occasionally will bump the temp up manually at the thermostat for the evening and it stays at that new set point until the night routine triggers. Not sure I could do that if I specified time ranges.
The only other functionality I want is to be able to set the temperature down when we are on a trip and then turn up before we get home. We have in-floor heating in a concrete slab, so it takes a day to heat back up. I think I just need to turn the routines off and then can manually change set point from wherever we are. Still need to confirm this.
I was surprised the Mariano Z wave thermostat doesn’t have a bunch of other settings. I guess things like C or F and other settings need to happen on the T6 thermostat itself.

You don’t need to set a time interval in routines that change the set temperature daily.

You could add a precondition in the daily temperature setting routines:

This way when you are on vacation you can make a routine that disables the daily temperature setting routines:

  • set location mode → away
  • Set heating temperature x°

When you want it to start heating before you come home you can make a routine:

  • set location mode → Home
  • Set heating temperature y°
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Thank you for the suggestion and creating this driver.

One thing that I can’t seem to find is a way to change the reporting of humidity in Smartthings history. It reports humidity whenever it changes which is once a minute. Being able to change that to a larger change would be nice so history isn’t filled with humidity readings.

Thanks, Steve

It is a zwave device then:

  • You need to look in the device documentation for the parameter that configures the humidity reports.
  • If it is configurable, take note of the values and size in bytes of the parameter.
  • Install the Z-wave Device Config Mc driver.
  • Make a change to that driver and configure the parameter
  • Go back to the original driver and the new reporting intervals should work.

This us the link to the driver post

And any Routines that use that device will have to be updated.

Fortunately this is no longer necessary for the moment, as the routines are still active and are only marked because the capability does not exist in the new profile when changing to another driver.

but as soon as you return to the original driver the routine is automatically completed again.

I don’t know if I should have said this out loud, because they might take it away from us again! :shushing_face:


Ah, that’s something I haven’t seen previously. As you say, hopefully they don’t take it away :slight_smile:

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Thank you. That sounded easy and it was after I finally found the documentation for the device that included the humidity reporting parameter. The link to Honeywell TH6320ZW2007 documentation that included the parameter list. All still seems to be working and now only reporting humidity changes of 2%. Thanks again.

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I can confirm that my routines were still there.

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