ST compatible switches, plug, and ceiling fan remote for low $$$

I bought a bunch of ST stuff at a great price. It’s on amazon at

I’m not usually a seller, but I found these things for cheap, outfitted my home with smart devices, and now selling what I don’t need. Thought I’d share with the ST community. Merry Xmas!

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Merry Xmas. I’ll pay retail on new items though. Best of luck

FYI to anyone interested - These are new and unopened, except for the smart plug.

From the link you provided, I’m not seeing any way to view the devices you are selling.

I can see that someone was happy with a book you sold them in 2009. That’s reassuring, I guess. :grin:

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There’s usually a link to get to items currently for sale.

Hey Mark.

I can provide photos. Are you interested in any particular item. I’m a physician, not a retailer, so I don’t sell on here often.

Maybe just a list of what you’re selling and your asking prices?

That’s pretty standard in this forum, at least.

Use the link I provided above or below to access the list. Click on “Products” tab to see all. A couple of items have already been sold.

That link doesn’t show anything accept your Amazon seller information.


Yes, and if you click on the “Products” tab you will see the items I have for sale.

There is no products tab. On a mobile browser at least.

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You can search Amazon for each item. I priced all items lower than the others listed. The Levitons DZ6HD abd DZS15 and the plug are open box. I never installed them though. There are not any defects. I installed similar switches in my house. They all work and look great. Merry Xmas!

If you are on your phone and using Chrome use desktop mode to see his products.

OP the products don’t show on mobile just an FYI.

Added a GE Z wave Plus Smart Motion Dimmer to Ebay.