Somfy Tahoma Integration

Anyone having issues with the Somfy Tahoma integration with smartthings?

Smartthings lost it’s connection 2 weeks ago to Tahoma. I could not fix it. I removed Somfy Tahoma from smartthings. Subsequently, I tried to re-add it, but it fails at the authorization step. I hit retry, and it gives me a different error code every time.

I’ve tried the online chat with smartthings but that went even worse than I expected it would.

There was another user reporting the issue around authentication a couple of days ago. If switching the default browser on your device does not resolve the authentication with Somfy the you should reach out to Somfy support also as they own and maintain the integration to ST. Usually authentication issues are a problem on their end. If the issue is on their end… it should lead them to resolve it… otherwise they will either get in touch with ST to resolve the issue or point you to ST support.

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I have contacted Somfy support and they have asked that I submit a detailed Error Report to SmartThings, which I completed a few minutes ago. It appears they are in contact with ST support on this issue. Thanks again for the follow-up!


I have also contacted Somfy. They stated that the problem was on the ST end but ST told them they had fixed it. They asked me to remove and then re-link which I had told them I had already done many times. I did so again and it still did not work. I’m waiting to hear back.

Has anyone here directly connected Somfy’s zigbee shades to smartthings? Without the Tahoma Bridge from Somfy?

Yes I was able to get this to work with the Zigbee version of the blinds. From what I know the RTS version will not work with this due to the custom frequency used.

Note: I DO NOT use the Somfy plugin with ST though

Somfy support has fixed the integration. As of this morning (8/14/2024) I was able to link my Somfy account to SmartThings, add a device, and create a Routine for the device.