Cannot link Somfy account to Smarthings to Control Outdoor RTS Blinds with Somfy Tahoma Beecon 1811731C

I just purchased and configured the Somfy TaHoma Beecon, model 1811731C, to control my outdoor RTS blinds. When I attempt to link my Somfy account to Smartthings, it fails with message: “Couldn’t link account. Error code: null” in the Smartthings app… When I hit Retry, a browser page pops up and says: “Couldn’t link account. Error code: XXXXXX Close your web browser and return to Smartthings.” XXXXXXX is a random alphanumeric code that is different on each attempt. Examples of both attached. I have also submitted a ticket with Somfy support.

Try changing the default broswer on your mobile device. You can always set it back.

I just tried both the Samsung Internet and Firefox browsers with the same result. However, it may have provided some clues in the error message and URL of the error condition. Looks like some kind of Oauth issue.

The URL:

The screenshot:

contact ST and Somfy support :slight_smile:

Somfy owns and maintains the integration between the systems.

Thanks for having a look and for pointing me to Somfy support!

The folks at Somfy support have fixed the integration. As of this morning (8/14/2024) I was able to link my Somfy account to SmartThings, add a device, and create a Routine for the device.

It seems that issue has reoccured. Today, i updated my Somfy password, then tried to relink SmartThings to Somfy and I am getting exact same issue.

If I try to connect through Tahoma Hub, I’m getting this error. I configured it as switch and it works, Workaround to get it working.