SOLVED: Bye, Wink: Now how can I get the Wink door sensors working with my Aeotec hub?

Disclaimer: I’m not very tech savvy so be gentle.

Hub works fine with my lights, but not the original Wink door sensors. I’ve done the z exclusion, factory reset and removed/replaced the batteries. Aeotec help says “Most Wink devices as long as they’re zigbee or Z-Wave should work with Smart Home Hub”

Any ideas? Thanks.

see if this faq page helps…

Feel free to respond back if you were successful or not :slight_smile:

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Thanks. Should have mentioned I did read that FAQ in my OP

I want to set up an automation so that when the front door is opened between 5-11p, two lights turn on and then shut off after 3-5 mins

Welcome! What’s the model number of the sensors?

At the bottom it says
20160315 E/U

At the top

I bought the Wink Lookout system in 2018

Try using the factory reset procedure on the contact sensors, and then try pairing these z-wave devices.

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Tried the instructions in red, hub still doesn’t recognize the Wink sensors :confused:

EDIT 1130am: front door sensor is on hub and working

EDIT 3p can’t get back door sensor to pair

Heard back from Aeotec, here’s how to pair all Wink devices with ST/Aeotec hub 1/2

Part 2/2

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