New to all this, only had ST for a week now… first time this has happend. I walked in the kitchen and said “Alexa turn on Desk”… she informs me she can not find that item (thing? whatever it is she calls it). Tried several times… then told her to turn on the entertainment center… same thing… I then told her to discover… she said she found two devices… which is what I have… but still no action on Alexa’s part… thoughts? Thanks!
When I went to bed last night everything was working fine, but this morning I too am having problems. Every time I ask Alexa to do something I get “That command doesn’t work on that device.” I asked Alexa to search for devices and she found all 12. Still the same error. Rebooted both the Echo and the smart things hub but there wasn’t any change. Any suggestions?
I keep getting that command does not work on that device when telling her to turn off a light.
I have the same Echo issue with the same Alexa Response. The only thing I have not tried yet was re-authorize the Alexa’s link to SmartThings.
Try saying, “Alexa, turn on desk” instead of, “Alexa, turn on THE desk”.
That seems to work when I have this problem
There was a similar issue with me few days back and it happened to be an issue on ST’s side. See this discussion.
Same thing happened to me this last weekend. I noticed that Alexa had seemed to lost the link and all devices. I just unlinked with ST, relinked and rediscovered and all was good again.
Update. Some things working some not. UGH One ge link works other in same room rcho says device is not responding
Device not responding is a different issue.
Can the GE link be controlled by toggle in the SmartThings app?
yup everything works fine otherwise. It’s doing it with some switches also. Only happening withe echo. Smartthings, lighting scenarios, Smart Tiles all working.
Here the status of my echo controlling devices. Error is the same if listed as not working.
Have 3 switches in my back room all in one box, only one is working other two are not
Diningroom 1ge link not working, smart outlet next to it is.
Bedroom switch is working
Kitchen switch and slave not working.
Front room one GE link working other not working.
So about half my devices stopped and different device types at that.
Played with it some more tonight. I got it working by deleting all groups and devices on the amazon side and unlinking with smart things. Then I relinked and built my devices and groups. Everything working again. I still have no idea why it suddenly died overnight.
I find that all of these problems seem to have to do with the smart thing/echo integration, not echo itself, with one exception.
Occasionally, Amazon adds new words to the list of reserved names that echo uses for its own controls. Once it does, it will no longer recognize that as a device name even if it used to do so.
For example, for the first six weeks of the SmartThings/echo integration I had to switch named “power” and I could say “Alexa, turn off power” and echo would tell SmartThings to turn that switch off.
Then echo used that as its own word and if you said “Turn off power” the echo itself would turn off and it wouldn’t send anything to SmartThings.
Had to change the name to “shutdown” so I say “trigger shutdown” now.
But other than that, everything has been fixed by reconnecting on the SmartThings side.
Same here, having this issue. Regarding of whether I use article (“the”) or not. I haven’t used the product since yesterday so I don’t know when it started.
I’ve got too much to do so I can’t mess around with it, but if time permits I will tinker tomorrow.
I’m a huge alexa fan but over the past week , she is completely unreliable. Turn on/off the tv stopped working completely. I’m assuming this has something to do with the new TV skill. Renamed it to television and cable. Somewhat better but still takes a few tries. Turn on/off everything was always problematic, so I setup “all” which worked but now it’s an argument every time. Myq is not functional in ST or echo. Getting frustrated.
I fixed mine by logging into here
and tell Alexa to forget all devices and redo the discovery.
Hope that will work for you guys.
This has worked flawlessly with Smartthings, but today when I ask Alexa to turn something on or off, i get the response “That command doesn’t work on that device”
Additionally, Alexa works with IFTTT, so i can control some ST functions, as well as some other sklls with Lifx. Anyone ever encounter this or tried to fix?
Went into Echo app had 29 devices listed lots offline, and way to many devices. told Echo to forget devices, removed smartthings from echo, added smartthings back and did discovery. Found 17 devices the correct amount all is working it seems.
All I did to fix mine was use the alexa mobile app to search for devices again. It said none were found (no new) and everything works again.
I had to completely remove everything and start over… THREE times before it went back to working…
This worked for me too. I didn’t remove anything;
I just re-ran the Connected Home Discovery utility in the Amazon Alexa app – which found zero new devices – and now everything works again.
I don’t know what the heck that was all about.