SMC Zigbee Devices (Xfinity Home)

hi can you help me code a paired zigbee dog door

I got a SMC door sensor: SMCDW02-Z and ST does not detect it either. It seems like all these sensors work with any of the Icontrol hubs and touch screens. I was trying to figure out if these sensors were designed to work only on certain channels because of some agreements with cable companies.

Ok I really do think the issue is the channel that the ST hub uses to talk to zig bee devices. This is what I found:

I’m not 100% sure but if the hub is only using the one channel at a time maybe these sensors are using only one channel too and if the frequency’s are not lining up this might be why they are not seeing each other.

A feature request should be; allow us to change zigbee channels on our hub manually. Not only would this allow us to connect more device types, it would help with interference. These sensors must be running at 2425MHz.

ST support said you cant change the channel. The hub picks the best one at startup. I wonder if I shut off my wireless routers and keep unplugging it until it picks channel 15.

They wouldn’t change my channel either. This post suggests the channel is randomly assigned to the hub at production time. (Maybe chime in on that thread to let ST know we want the ability to manage our networks.)

This really puts a damper on getting new devices to work as well as for people that may live in apartments where their neighbors may be using this hub as well.

I found some info about analyzing zigbee protocols, if anyone is good with programming check these links below for zigbee sniffer device and supported software.

Just be aware that the TI software will sniff the packets, but they are encrypted. You will need additional software to decrypt the packets. The only software I found that would also decrypt was $1,000. I’m not the most technical person and this was my first attempt at packet sniffing, so you might have better luck.

It seems like you can’t use xfinity product with smart things?

I’m using an xfinity-branded tstat made by centralite working with ST.

Can you explained that a bit more

sorry, I meant centralite.

How did you get it working? I bought one a year ago because of how cheap it was and have just been using it as a manual thermostat.

It depends on which product it is. Door/Window and motion sensors most likely not. Appliance modules, lamp modules, dimmer switches, most likely yes with some possible hitches.

Any new Information on getting SMCDW02-Z to work?

Sorry…I missed this before.
Did you get it working yet?
If not, let me know, and I will assist.

Actually I got an ecobee3 for 100 bucks on craigslist. Thanks tho!

Nice. Probably a bit more user-friendly, I assume.

Do you still have the Centralite one sitting around taking up space, or did you get rid of it already?