Smarttings Hub thinks my iPhone is "Home" but it is not

The newer arrival sensors use the arrival-sensor-ha.groovy device type. With this device, the presence timeout is set in the device preferences in the mobile app. The default is 2 minutes but you can set the timeout to 2, 3, or 5 minutes.

For the older arrival sensors, which use the arrival-sensor.groovy device type, the presence timeout defaults to 2 minutes as well but the timeout can be changed in the Hub utilities in the IDE. You can set the timeout between 2 and 10 minutes.


If youā€™re still seeing this issue - do you have a new router or public IP address for your internet connection?

See this post in case any of it applies to you and how to solve it.

No new hardware, no new IP.

hereā€™s a way to manually force status:

not ideal but maybe this jumps starts it to work again.

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Iā€™m about to rip SmartThings out of my lifeā€¦ Tonight it has now thought my arrival sensor has left 4 times while Iā€™ve been sitting here on the couch.

This isnā€™t an iPhone thing, this isnā€™t an ā€œarrival sensor is betterā€ thingā€¦ This is a SmartThings is crap thing!

Iā€™ve been having the same issues hereā€¦ also on iOS 11 beta. Not sure if thatā€™s the root cause, though, as I believe there was also a SmartThings app update around the same time.

Anyway, something interesting that I just noticed is that, despite my phone finally being recognized as ā€˜Awayā€™ (only about 4-5 hours late), Smart Home Monitor is still shown in the app as being ā€œDisarmedā€ [bad]. But if I log into IDE, the Alarm System Status is shown as ā€œArmed (Away)ā€ [good]. There is clearly some kind of disconnect here between the app on my phone and the hub in my living room. And itā€™s not a timing thing; IDE says the system was armed about a half hour ago now (5 min after my presence was finally updatedā€¦ this is as it should be).

Iā€™ve tried killing the app so that it restarts fresh, but it still doesnā€™t agree with what IDE is telling me. Now if only I could get some rando neā€™er-do-well to open my front door so I can see which one (app or IDE) is telling me the truth about what mode my hub is inā€¦

There is definitely something going on with ST app + iOS 11 beta.

SmartThings app only gets location(presence) updates when launched. And is not updating on background.
ST wonā€™t know that I left Home until I manually launch app. After few seconds I see my status in the app changes from Present to Away.
If app is not manually launched, my status never changes.

I tried IFTTT geofencing and it works perfectly fine on iOS 11 beta. I receive push notifications when I enter or leave defined area.

Few days ago there was ST app update 2.5.1 that said "This release changes a configuration for Apple as they prepare for iOS 11"
Looks like presence fix wasnā€™t a part of it.

Hope ST devs can take a look?

+1 having the same problem. Itā€™s driving me mad

Yepā€¦ having presence issues with my phone (iPhone 7 iOS 10.3.3), my wifeā€™s phone (iPhone 6s iOS 10.3.3) and coworkers phone (iPhone 7 iOS 10.3.3) recently. Things were really quite solid for many months from all three devices across two hubs (home, office). But is seems after some recent change (app? backend?) things have deteriorated out of the blue.

Iā€™ve tried rebooting the phone, resetting phone network settings, logging out of the ST app, removing the ST app and re-installing, etc. I havenā€™t gone as far as removing and re-adding the mobile presence sensor instances because honestly that would suck having to go in and readd/configure them in all the associated automations across two hubs. Just hope someone is looking into it. Something changed on my otherwise stable systems.

Iā€™ve started a separate thread for this feature being broken in iOS 11. Looking for other people to share their experiences for this specific bug. Thanks.

Again, this is happening on more than just iOS 11 beta. It is also happening on iOS 10.3.3.

Hey everyone,

Same issue here. Like everyone else, Iā€™ve gone and checked all my settings (location base with settings, background, etc.) Iā€™ve deleted and reinstalled, reset the hubā€¦ blah blah and so on. I have a total of three accounts wifeā€™s, daughter and mine and my account/device is the only one with issues.

thatā€™s surprising - I have had multiple phones on 10.3.3 and never missed a beat ever

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iOS11 is here and Iā€™m having presence issues. When is a fix coming?

Merge this.