Thanks… I think the music player tile could come close to what I need after modification.
If your device properly implements music player capability, the existing tile should work without modification.
Thanks, I will use Chrome for now.
Has the weather tile update been fixed? Mine still does not update.
The tile is not updating related to an issue that ST has with the Weather Tile. Not SmartTiles issue.
had the same problem so I put a tilt sensor on my garage door In smart tiles it shows open or closed
This is now fixed with the latest version 5.4.
New version of SmartTiles is available on GitHub.
Release notes are here:
The latest update addresses some ST platform changes, improves video and thermostat tiles.
Please note, you may need to rearrange video tiles after this update.
Sweet…will try it out now
Thanks! Just installed, all looks good
The new Stop Motion video tiles look great on small screens, and they work with Dropcam / Nest Cam on iOS and Android!
Thanks for the update nice
@Ashwin How did you get Nest cam in ST world?
- Log in to Nest
- Click on one of your cameras
- Copy your camera’s ID from the end of the URL
(e.g. 7aa344190bd348dfaf85bc4382814908) - Paste your ID at the end of this URL:
- Use this new URL (e.g. for your Stop Motion video tile
If your Dropcam / Nest Cam is private, you must be logged into Nest on the same browser as SmartTiles.
Will give it a shot. The reason I asked is because ST as of now does not recognize nest cams. Thanks!!!
When will it be automatically pushed?
Put the update on yesterday and now most times I go to the tablet on the wall I just get a blank white page. I have to close the browser (Chrome) and reopen the page. Maybe it’s just a coincidence related to ST but not sure.
Another user reported this issue well prior to 5.4 and I have seen it myself once or twice, but I have not been able to figure out the root cause.
It seems that ST is having more request timeouts lately. I have some ideas to address that and might be including a fix in the next release.
I saw this yesterday morning on Firefox, I thought my 5.4 installation got stale since I have not updated my code yet.